How-Tos > Hair Color > Box Dye Correction: Sterling Silver
Last updated: January 18, 2019

Box Dye Correction: Sterling Silver

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Box Dye Correction: Sterling Silver

Have you ever had a new client travel more than 75 miles just so you could transform her box dye brunette into a silver shade that better matched her natural haircolor? BTC Team Member Jack Martin (@jackmartincolorist) recently did and all it took was three formulas, nine hours and LOTS of planning and patience.


Setting a plan before performing any hair transformation is the key to successful results and that can be done during a prior consultation,” advises Jack. “My client was extremely happy because she told me she would be happy with anything lighter than what she is currently, but thanks to my knowledge, planning and the great products I used I was able to achieve her desired color in one session.


Keep scrolling for the formulas and the detailed step by step breakdown!


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  • Jack Martin @jackmartincolorist Box Dye Color Correction Transformation Gray Silver How To Color Formulas Before
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  • Jack Martin @jackmartincolorist Box Dye Color Correction Transformation Gray Silver How To Color Formulas In Process
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    Start by removing the artificial dye by doing two rounds of Malibu C CPR. Then, place her under a hot dryer until she reaches a copper blonde Level 8. “It really shocked me how much it helped in removing almost 80 percent of the artificial dark color,” shares Jack. “That was a very smart start because it saved the hair a tremendous amount of stress and damage.”

  • Jack Martin @jackmartincolorist Box Dye Color Correction Transformation Gray Silver How To Color Formulas In Process
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    How the hair should look after doing two rounds of color remover.

  • Jack Martin @jackmartincolorist Box Dye Color Correction Transformation Gray Silver How To Color Formulas In Process
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    Then, apply Formula A on very thin sections from where the copper starts to the ends and place in between foils.

  • Jack Martin @jackmartincolorist Box Dye Color Correction Transformation Gray Silver How To Color Formulas In Process
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    Process until she reaches a very pale blonde Level 10.

  • jack-martin-box-dye-correction-silver-9
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    Rinse, then pre-tone by applying Formula B to help neutralize all the yellow in the hair. Process for 20 minutes.

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    Rinse again, blow-dry, apply Formula C and then let process for 30 minutes. Then, shampoo and condition, cut layers (if desired) and then style using a blow dryer and round brushes.

  • Jack Martin @jackmartincolorist Box Dye Color Correction Transformation Gray Silver How To Color Formulas After
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    Finished look

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Jack Martin