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TikTok’s Viral “Scandinavian Hairline” Is Actually Not New…

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Photo Credit: TikTok via @elblakee

If you’re on the Hairtok side of TikTok then you’ve likely come across the “Scandinavian Hairline” trend (aka “Scandi Hair”). For seasoned professionals, it’s more than a trend and instead a commonly used technique to give that lit from within glow. And while applying lightener directly to baby hairs seems intimidating—it doesn’t have to be.


Read on for everything you need to know about the “Scandinavian Hairline.”



scandinavian hair trend
Photo Credit: TikTok via @chrisweberhair


On blonde clients: The “Scandinavian Hairline” Technique can be used to make it look like already-blonde clients are naturally blonde. It’s to be done at the shampoo bowl as the last step in the lightening process.


Photo Credit: TikTok via @marloustylingbar


On gray coverage clients: It’s also a go-to when clients with a gray hairline want to go blonde. “[It’s an] amazing technique for soft grow-out to give the illusion that gray is blonde as it’s growing out,” says Toronto-based colorist, Diana (@dvcolour), on Instagram.


Photo Credit: Instagram via @dvcolour


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  1. If you are doing this as an add-on to a blonding service, take your client to the shampoo bowl when the foils are almost done processing.
  2. Apply a bonding treatment like K18 Professional Molecular Repair Mist to protect the fine hairs and prevent damage.
  3. Section off the very front most hairs (they are typically fine and shorter than the rest of the hairline) framing the forehead and comb them forward.
  4. Dab the lightener along the hairline at the root. If your client has full density around their hairline, drag the lightener down only about two inches from the root.
  5. When you’ve achieved your desired level of blonde, pull the section toward the back of the head then rinse. Cleanse then style as desired.


See finished “Scandinavian Hairline” Looks Here:

Photo Credit: TikTok via @elblakee


If clients ask for “Scandi Hair”, here are a few things to keep in mind so you can lighten with confidence:

  • It can be an add-on service to lightening appointments.
  • Be sure to apply at the shampoo bowl to control application.
  • Make it a priority to protect and only apply to healthy hair.
  • If your client’s fragile hair won’t take well to this technique, don’t do it!
  • Use a lightener you trust and work with often.
  • Be mindful that this technique applies lightener on the client’s face, so work quickly and clean up their hairline after!


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