How-Tos > Hair > Chocolate Cherry Blend
Last updated: May 31, 2017

Chocolate Cherry Blend

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Chocolate Cherry Blend

We like our brunettes dark, laced with cherry-colored hues. Using Kenra Creatives Colors, a deep chestnut brown is infused with a lush ruby tone, adding just the right amount of depth to make this multi-tonal shade truly pop. Care to indulge? Here’s the decadent how-to!

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    1 Kenra Creative Color Formulas
    Formula A (Foundation): 1 oz. 5VR + 1 oz. 4RR + ¼ oz. Blue Booster + 2¼ oz. 20-volume developer
    Formula B (Anchor): ¾ oz. 5VR + ¼ oz. 5RV + ¼ oz. Violet Booster + 1¼ oz. 20-volume developer
    Formula C (Accent 1): Diffuse Anchor Lightener + 20-volume developer
    Formula D (Accent 2): Diffuse ¾ oz. 6RR + ¼ oz. 5R + 1 oz. 20-volume developer Lightener + 20-volume developer
    Formula E (Glaze): Creative Red

    Create a trillion shape on the crown of the head, as shown.
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    2 Apply Formula A to Zone 1.
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    3 In Zone 23, starting from the center of the trillion shape, alternate Formula C and Formula D using a pivotal slice and skip slice application. Apply Formula B between foils.
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    4 Process for 30 minutes. Shampoo and dry the hair completely.
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    5 Glaze prelightened accents using Formula E, then process for 20 minutes under heat.
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