Articles > Hair Color > Fast Foil Placement: 2 Ways To Add Depth

Fast Foil Placement: 2 Ways To Add Depth

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Instagram via @the.blonde.chronicles

Foil Placement Tips For Creating Dimension

What’s the difference between diffused, lived-in highlights and high-contrast, dimensional ribbons? Here’s a clue: It’s all about angles. To help get you on the right blonding roadmap, we had BTC Team Member Carly Zanoni (@the.blonde.chronicles) stop by The BTC House and share her foil placement strategies for working smarter, not harder. Scroll down for a full dimensional breakdown. 


Want to learn more about Carly’s foil technique? Click here to purchase her class on BTC University & get lifetime access to the course! 


1. Stack Foils For Less Dimension 

To create a more bended, lived-in highlight, Carly uses a horizontal placement so that her foils appear stacked on top of each other. “This allows less hair to peek through between foils and creates a more diffused look,” she explains. 


Check Out Carly’s Foil Placement Below!

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2. Use Extreme Angles For More Dimension

To create more piece-y ribbons of dimension, Carly applies her foils at an extreme diagonal back angle. “The foils should be almost vertical and lay next to each other, instead of stacked,” she says. This placement allows more hair to live between the highlights, creating more contrast between the foils. 


Pro Tip: To create a seamless blend and avoid the Kelly Clarkson streaks, paint the lightener to match the parting. For example, when working with diagonal back sections, apply the lightener on the hair at a diagonal in the same direction.


Carly Explains Her Foil Placement For Creating Dimension On Her Insta—Check It Out Below!



BONUS: Over-Foiled? Here’s How To Add Dimension BACK! 

Can a client really be TOO blonde? The answer is yes. During her online course, Carly shared her strategy for combating flat color: “I will go in and add a lowlight between my foils wherever I think the color needs some depth. To add a more natural-looking dimension, weave the sections in between the foils. If you want to see a lot more dimension, take slices.” 


Adding dimension back isn’t just caused by over foiling, clients who get lightened regularly will also need a lowlight or two. “If my client has been getting the same technique for two years, the hair becomes too blonde and oversaturated no matter what you do. So, I love placing a lowlight wherever I feel the color needs to be broken up,” Carly explains.


Ready To Learn More? Click Here To Purchase Carly’s Class on BTC University & Have Lifetime Access!

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Carly Zanoni