Articles > Haircare > BTC’s Editors Tried This New Customized Hair Treatment. Here’s What Happened.
Last updated: November 08, 2023

BTC’s Editors Tried This New Customized Hair Treatment. Here’s What Happened.

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In a workspace that revolves around writing, filming, editing and creating all things hair, the BTC Editorial and Video squad knows a thing or two about salon appointments. In the never-ending world of add-ons, it’s rare when a treatment catches our teams’ eye AND can make stylists extra cash. 


From LA to Chicago, our teams were invited to experience Davines’ new Herbal Hair Infusion, the new professional Naturaltech Treatment at Gregga Hair Salon (Los Angeles) and Reverie Salon (Chicago). Keep scrolling to follow our teams’ experience of the instant custom cocktail treatment on four different hair types, colors and textures to see why this interactive system is BTC-approved. 


A look at Davines’ Herbal Hair Infusion lineup:

Photo credit: Instagram via @davinesnorthamerica


It starts with a quiz: Tailor this treatment to every client

At the shampoo bowl, clients quickly review the Digital Consultation Tool quiz to reveal their customized Herbal Hair Infusion combination. PS—this treatment is recommended to be 20 percent of the service, averaging between a $40 to $50 add-on.


In the quiz, clients are asked a short series of questions pertaining to more than hair texture and concerns; but, what overall benefits they’re looking for in a hair treatment. Once completed, one Base and one Booster are recommended for the stylist to mix to create a client-tailored treatment.



Here are the Herbal Hair Infusions everyone tests for:

Each treatment is made of two products, a Serum Base and a Botanical Extract Booster made with regenerative organic ingredients. The combination of any given two balance, restore and add nutrients back into the hair. Take a look at the possible 24 combo options below!


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