Product Announcements > Hair Color > Flash Lift Pods Bonder Inside
Last updated: October 05, 2020

Flash Lift Pods Bonder Inside

Redken Flash Lift Pods Bonder Inside Lightener Bleach
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Say hello to a faster, more convenient way to measure lightener! The new Flash Lift Pods Bonder Inside from Redken are predosed pods of lightener (1 pod = one 15g scoop) with built-in bonder, which means no more spending time measuring powder or adding bonder. Simply add developer, mix and watch the water-soluble conditioning film quickly dissolve.


An innovative upgrade to Redken Flash Lift Bonder Inside, the pods offer up to eight levels of reliable lift, give off less lightener fumes and  were designed with sustainability in mind. They not only minimize wasted product caused by over-pouring but thanks to its water-soluble conditioning film, will help save up to 10 metric tons of plastic in one year from packaging alone.


The pods are now available for purchase in a 4-pack and will be available in a 25-pack starting January 1, 2021.


For more information, visit


Manufacturer: Redken, @redken

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Flash Lift Pods Bonder Inside

How To Use

Follow a 1:2 mixing ratio and let process until the desired level of lift is achieved. Do not use heat and do not leave the lightener on for longer than the recommended time, which is up to 50 minutes.

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