How-Tos > Hair Extensions > How-To: U-Tip Extensions
Last updated: July 18, 2019

How-To: U-Tip Extensions

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Extensions are one of the most lucrative services for a salon, but getting certified in a specific extension brand takes time, and time away from your salon is less money for you. Hairlocs in your solution. You can buy as much of the luxurious, 100 percent human hair as you want and have it delivered directly to your salon.


Hairlocs comes in a variety of shade options (29 in fact) and lots of textures including wave patterns so your clients can get the exact hair they are looking for. Best of all, this quality hair comes at a huge discount—perfect for both you and your cost-conscious client. Plus, you’ll get access to top-notch educational videos, like this one, which features Team Hairlocs Stylist Angela Demolfetto, who walks you through the process of applying the popular U-Tip, keratin bond extensions.


How much do hair extensions cost? And how much should you charge? Click here!

Artist: Angela Demolfetto
Manufacturer: Hairlocs


  • 1

    The Breakdown

    Total time: 3 hours

    Longevity of install: 4 to 6 weeks

    Longevity of hair: 3 to 6 months

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Angela Demolfetto