Glueless Extensions For Hair Loss? Read this!
Become A Certified Hair Loss Specialist With Micro Point Link Extensions!
We learned about the Micro Point Link installation process from International Hairgoods Senior Research and Development Designer Jerry Holt and National Trainer Jessica Catalde. Keep scrolling to learn more about the extensions and why it’s a service you should be adding to your books!
What Are Micro Point Link Extensions?
If your client is thinning around the crown or parietal ridge, then Micro Point Link Extensions are perfect to help restore volume and fullness to that area. One link will feature two to six individual “cyber hairs,” depending on the pack size, that are looped and knotted around an individual hair strand. Cyber hairs are synthetic fibers that are three to four times lighter than human hair, so they don’t add stress to the healthy hair strand.
The number of hairs used per link depends on the client’s needs, with two being the thinnest and six the thickest. An average install can consist of 600 cyber hairs applied to an area. Once the cyber hair is washed, it will expand and blend in with the client’s natural hair and the knots will disappear.

What About Outside Of The Crown Area?
If your client has been experiencing breakage around the perimeter, there is something to help! International Hairgoods Accents are used to bring fullness to anything under the parietal ridge or around the hairline. Instead of working with one individual strand, Accents feature a silver bead that contains 100 strands of cyber hair that is applied to 15 to 20 natural hairs.
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Who’s The Ideal Client?
Micro Point Link Extensions are great for your clients who are experiencing 20 to 30 percent hair loss. It’s just enough to add fullness and volume to problem areas without having to resort to glue or extensions that put unwanted weight and friction on fragile hair.
You want to make sure the installation is conducted on healthy strands only. During the consultation, Jerry advises installing five to six links for free, then watch how the hair behaves. If the hair breaks, it’s damaged and can’t handle the extensions. If it sheds naturally, the hair is healthy and was just ready to come out.
Check Out The Before & After!

How Do You Prep The Hair For The Service?
Have your clients come into the appointment with hair free of oils, mousse and gel. Make sure to use a clarifying shampoo to remove any excess residue on the hair and scalp. Too much oil can cause the links to slip free, so it’s important that the hair is clean.
How’s The Grow Out Process?
If you’re wondering how the removal process will be on such a small application site, don’t fret! Micro Point Link Extensions are designed to grow out naturally, so no removal process is needed. Accents, on the other hand, do need to be removed after a four to six-week period to avoid damaging natural hair.
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