Articles > Balayage > @prettylittleombre’s Pyramid of Fundamentals For Client Retention

@prettylittleombre’s Pyramid of Fundamentals For Client Retention

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 Jamie Sea (aka @prettylittleombre) is known for her incredible ombré, balayage, color melting and root-smudging techniques, but she also knows the value of getting—and keeping—clients in her chair. Here’s a look at Jamie’s pyramid of fundamentals when it comes to retaining clients.




1. Your Consultation
The consultation is one of the most crucial aspects of your guest’s experience. It’s a powerful part of the process and can really make or break the way your guest feels about you and your salon. Jamie always says that being very clear with your client about their expectations is a good habit to get into—it will only help you build those relationships.


2. Your Knowledge
Every client who sits in your chair is a brand new canvas. Having the knowledge of not only different techniques and how to achieve them, but also being aware of color perspective and what works best with skin tone and lifestyle, are all important things to know. For example, a balayage application will never completely fix a color correction, says Jamie. To know details like that and to be able to explain them to your clients can make a big difference.


3. Your Artistry
Everyone does hair differently and that’s what makes this industry so fascinating. Jamie’s biggest piece of advice is to just be yourself and embrace your personal craft. She uses a chip brush (a type of paint brush) when painting hair instead of a regular balayage brush because it helps her blend the color more seamlessly.
Creating hair the way that feels comfortable to you is freedom, she says.


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Jamie Sea