How-Tos > Blonde > Platinum Fringe From TONI&GUY
Last updated: May 30, 2017

Platinum Fringe From TONI&GUY

close formula

Platinum Fringe From TONI&GUY

TONI&GUY takes the blunt, rocker fringe in a dazzling, ethereal new direction. As part of the Freedom Collection, this look, entitled “Frankie” shows the softer side of “rocker chic”.

Artist: Joseph Marzioli
Colorist: Samantha Finley
Wardrobe: Caroline Mascolo
Manufacturer: TONI&GUY, @toniandguyworld


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    Take a diagonal back parting 2″ in from the front hairline to the top of each ear.
    Take a horizontal parting at the top of the occipital and isolate the hair underneath it.

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    Separate the fringe with a triangular section at the recession area, comb to 90° and point cut square.

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    Cross check at natural fall, creating a rounded line.

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    With the remaining hair in the section, use the cheekbone to measure a
    guide to length, elevate to 90° and cut square.

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    Continue with a pivoting diagonal back section, comb to 90° and cut square following the guide. Work pivoting diagonal back sections and repeat the technique until reaching to the profile parting. Repeat this technique on the opposite side.

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    To blend the underneath, take a center vertical section, comb to 90° and slide cut out to blend with the existing perimeter. Continue with a pivoting section, comb to 90°, over direct to the previous section and slide cut to blend. Repeat this technique until all the remaining lengths have been blended.

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    Blow dry with a flat brush, then detail with a large round brush.

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    To detail the perimeter, comb to natural fall and slice into the length to emphasize a soft textured line

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    The fringe is personalized with point cutting.

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    The sides are detailed with channel cutting. The interior is reworked with deep parallel point cutting to create more texture.

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