Articles > Vibrant > Creative ’70s Color + Funky Braided Style

Creative ’70s Color + Funky Braided Style

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Manic Panic always brings together edgy color with fun and funky style. Plus, their founders Tish and Snooky and artistic director @alix_maya give the whole brand the cool factor stylists everywhere love. The team took the stage at #thebtcshow to go over a few creative colors done by Alix, and they had a booth in our Connection Center where stylists got to interact with the product and see smaller stage demos.


In the video below, @shmeggsandbaconn creates a bomb braid on an amazing color created by Alix. She starts by creating a Dutch braid and then moves into a fishtail farther down the head. On the side, she creates a twisted fishtail braid and then finishes the style by bringing the two braids together.


As for the colors Alix used? All Manic Panic (of course!), and her work is stunning (as usual!). She used Love Power Purple, Pussycat Pink and Solar Yellow. Here’s the finished style!



Check out all the pics from #thebtcshow!


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