Articles > Hair Color > Watch: @lizhaven’s Strandlights Technique
Last updated: April 16, 2019

Watch: @lizhaven’s Strandlights Technique

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Watch: @lizhaven’s Strandlights Technique

If you’re one of BTC Team Member Liz Haven O’Neill’s (@lizhaven) 144k Instagram followers, chances are you’ve seen the quickie videos detailing her strandlights technique. But what are they really? We grabbed one of her videos—which received a casual 1.4 million views(!!!)—that demonstrate the highlighting technique plus five key takeaways to know about her go-to formulas, weaving pattern and more. Watch the quickie video below, then keep scrolling for the deets!


Products Used


Watch The Strandlights Quickie Video Below


Takeaway #1: Liz’s Go-To Formulas

  • Hairline formula: ½ oz. Schwarzkopf Professional BLONDME Bond Enforcing Premium Lightener 9+ + 1 oz. 7-volume developer


  • Interior formula: ½ oz. Schwarzkopf Professional BLONDME Bond Enforcing Premium Lightener 9+ + ½ oz. 7-volume developer + ½ oz. 20-volume developer


  • Note: Strandlights have such a clean lift that a glaze is optional.


Takeaway #2: Sectioning

Play off the structure of each client’s head shape and work primarily with diagonal partings as opposed to horizontal or vertical partings. Why? It produces a more natural-looking result.



Takeaway #3: Weaving

Work with the surface of each section because that’s where the sun would naturally hit. The weaved section should be so fine that you could easily read a newspaper if placed underneath, shares Liz. Watch how Liz weaves in the gif below!



Takeaway #4: The Grow Out

When executed properly, strandlights should never see a horizontal grow out. The fade is so seamless that clients can go three or four months before their next appointment.


Takeaway #5: When To Use Strandlights

  • To detail an ombré or balayage.
  • For touching up highlights.
  • To blend gray tones while utilizing their natural pigment.


Check out some stunning close-up finished looks below!







Strandlights: What To Know About This New Color Technique

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Liz Haven O'Neill