Articles > Blonde > Shadow Boxing: Learn This Technique for Rooty Dimension

Shadow Boxing: Learn This Technique for Rooty Dimension

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Photo by Ben Shani (@benshaniproductions) // Photo courtesy of Leah Freeman

Shadow Boxing: Dip-Dyed Dimensional Root Technique

We’ve all heard of shadow rooting, but how about shadow boxing? Last weekend at L’ANZA Healing Haircare’s annual B.I.G. Event in Nashville, Tenn., L’ANZA Global Healing Color Director Leah Freeman (@leahfreeman1) taught us a killer technique to create dimension at the base without the commitment of a shadow root. Here is the breakdown:


Leah’s Formulas

  • Formula A (roots): L’ANZA VIBES 30g Violet + 20g Blush
  • Formula B (mids to ends): L’ANZA VIBES 20g Blush + 10g Bare


1. Take a one-inch section and complete a deep weave in and out, dividing the section completely in half and clipping the top half up and out of the way.


2. Using Formula A, apply the color at the retouch area and extend it slightly 1 to 2 inches down through the base.


3. Then, using Formula B, pull the color through the midshaft about 3 to 4 inches down to lighten the base color.


Note: Leah says saturation and fine sections are KEY! The finer the section, the better the saturation, the brighter the result.


4. Take the previously clipped up section down and using Formula A, tap at the base.


5. Using Formula B again, pull the color all the way through to the midlengths and ends.


Pro Tip: Varying the depth of the root from section to section breaks up the black and white effect you would get from a traditional shadow root.



6. Overdirect all the hair that is left out of the foil and apply Formula B to the ends, melting it up into Formula A to create a dip-dye effect.


7. Right before you are ready to rinse, pull the foils out, apply Formula B and quickly comb the color through from root to ends with a color melting comb to create a seamless blend.


Pro Tip: Combing through lighter color will help soften the blend and create an even, more natural-looking base blend.


Fashion colors not your forte? No worries! “Don’t think this is only for an editorial finish,” says Leah. “This can be very wearable with a Level 7 base melted into a Level 9.”


How shadow boxing looks with natural colors.

Products Used


Missed the event? We got you. As always, the L’ANZA B.I.G. Event was full of education, inspiration and beautiful hair. Click through the slideshow below to see some of what went down!

Hair by Matt Swinney (@matt.swinney)

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