Articles > Events > Men’s Hair Cutting Techniques With Mark Bustos
Last updated: September 27, 2018

Men’s Hair Cutting Techniques With Mark Bustos

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The men in your chair always want to look their best, which is why they come to you on a regular basis. Step up your men’s cutting game with the help of Mark Bustos, barber and founder of the #BeAwesomeToSomebody Movement. We broadcasted his men’s haircutting techniques LIVE on Facebook from Three Squares Studio in New York City. Check it out.



But first, some tips from Mark:


  • Think of your clippers as an eraser. You don’t want to erase too much off, especially when it comes to hair because once it’s gone, it’s gone. So when creating the fade, take baby steps by slowly erasing the hair away in small sections.

  • When using the scissor-over-comb technique, use the spine of the comb as your guideline. Point the comb with the teeth facing his head, and go in underneath the section of hair. The ends of the hair should be parallel with spine so you always know any hair that hangs over needs to be trimmed.

  • To avoid cutting yourself when point cutting, slightly pull your hand away as you close the scissors to ensure no blood is accidentally drawn during the cut.

  • And at the end—right when you think Mark is finished giving us some major education—he hits us with an amazing tip you HAVE to use behind the chair. Check it out at 1:16:33! While cleaning up the neckline, to prevent hairs from falling down your client’s shirt, use your blow dryer on a cool setting and direct it upward as you trim.


Watch Mark demonstrate these tips in the Facebook Live below!



Check out the final look:


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Mark Bustos