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One Product, Four Extensions Solutions

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It’s 2017—practically everyone rocks extensions these days, which means you are doing a lot of coloring, washing, styling and storing extensions! Check out this invention we spotted at #thebtcshow Connection Center that promises to make working with extensions easier.


How much do hair extensions cost? And how much should you charge? Click here!


The Hair Works 4-in-1 Style Caddy holds any type of extension. Here’s how it works:


  1. Attach the caddy to a smooth surface with the suction cups (like a mirror).
  2. Insert extensions and close the top.
  3. Wash, color, blow-dry and style.
  4. Use the included clips to hang the caddy over a coat hanger when you aren’t wearing them.
  5. Wrap extensions around the caddy and place the entire thing in the included travel bag to take your hair on the road!


Get the Hair Works Extension Style Caddy in the BTC Shop!


Watch the Hair Works inventor, Susan Trev, demonstrate all the ways you can use the caddy!