Articles > Hair Color > Gray Coverage & Blonding Services: Apply At The Same Time, Or Separately?

Gray Coverage & Blonding Services: Apply At The Same Time, Or Separately?

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Should You Apply Gray Coverage & Highlights Together? Read This To Find Out!

Picture this: Your regular root touch-up client is requesting a fresh base AND some pops of brightness. What do you do? Should you cover grays first and then lighten or vice versa? Is it OK to do it all at once? If you’ve struggled with these questions, don’t worry! We tapped some top colorists for their advice on how to approach these color services and they shared it all! 


Scroll down for some takeaway tips on why you should never say no to gray coverage clients, how to avoid damage and why choosing the right product will save time behind the chair!


PSA: Don’t Disregard Gray Coverage Clients

Do you avoid booking gray coverage services to stay open for more lucrative color appointments? You could be missing out on some serious revenue (and creating a loyal clientele!) BTC Team Member and blonding expert Chrissy Danielle (@hairbychrissydanielle) shares why you should NEVER overlook a gray coverage service:


  • They are steady, solid appointments. Most clients need a root touch-up service every four weeks and the application time is fairly quick. Think of it like this: Quick service + Dependable monthly revenue = A guaranteed yearly appointment/ income. Who can say no to that?


  • Don’t limit the appointment to just a base color. Chrissy suggests adding on a lightening service to add dimension and give the client a modern look.  


Apply At The Same Time For Faster Appointments

Simultaneous services means extra time for more appointments. But if the base color takes too long to process, it could slow everything down. That’s why BTC Team Member Samantha Harman (@samanthasbeautyconfessions) uses the new Ruskin10 Permanent Cream Color from RUSK. It provides up to 100% gray coverage in just 10 minutes, so she can cover her client’s grays while applying highlights without adding time to the appointment. 


Check Out Samantha’s Application Below! 

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Click Here To Purchase The NEW Ruskin10 Permanent Cream Color & Get 100% Gray Coverage In 10 Minutes!


Use Zone Placement To Work Smarter Not Harder

Set up a game plan when applying both services together to streamline the application and avoid any second guessing with placement. Below, Chrissy shares her placement roadmap to showcase where to cover, blend and fully saturate for maximum lift! 


via Instagram @hairbychrissydanielle


For Damage Prone Clients Apply Separately

Applying color and lightener together can be a lot for hair to handle—especially if it is fragile or prone to damage. So, RUSK Artistic Director Laura Gibson (@lgibsoncolorist) suggests applying the two services separately to avoid stressing the hair out.


Laura suggests applying the Ruskin10 Permanent Cream Color first and rinsing completely before applying a lightener. Since the Ruskin10 processes in 10 minutes, the two services can be applied in under one hour! 


Click Here To Watch Laura’s Entire Technique & Get More Color Education From RUSK!


Cover Grays While Toning To Avoid A Messy Application 

Teasylights and foils are great for creating dimension, but can get messy if the client is also looking to cover her grays. That’s why BTC Team Member Eleni Kotretsos (@salon_e) utilizes the toning process to cover silver strands. Here’s how:


  • Allow highlights to process and rinse. 
  • Apply base color at the root and comb through.
  • Then, apply toner formula to the mids and ends and blend into the root formula. 
  • Allow root melt and toner to process and rinse.


Pro Tip: Eleni applies Ruskin10 Permanent Cream Color to the base so there is no additional time needed for the toning process! 


Eleni Broke Down Her Application In The Post Below!

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A post shared by ELENI | PA BLONDES & BALAYAGE (@salon_e)


Achieve Better Visual Placement After Rinsing Highlights

Colorist Erika De La Peña (@styleswithbeauty) applies a base color after rinsing out the client’s highlights. Why? “I can get a better view of where exactly her grays need more or less coverage and I get a better placement for my toner and lowlight formulas,” she explains.


Watch The Video To See Erika’s Application! 

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