Articles > Hair Color > WATCH: Color Correction Quickie + Tips For Communicating Realistic End Results

WATCH: Color Correction Quickie + Tips For Communicating Realistic End Results

Josie Vilay Color Correction Video How-To
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Color Correction Quickie + Tips For Communicating Realistic End Results

Color corrections take a ton of time, effort and they cost a pretty penny—all things clients never seem to fully understand no matter how many times you tell them! That’s where BTC team member Josie Vilayvanh (@josievilay) comes in. She shared this incredible color correcting video quickie on her Instagram, plus she dropped some major truth bombs about communication and achieving realistic end results.


Keep scrolling to watch the video, then learn how to communicate the reality of the color correction process to your clients.  



Watch @josievilay’s Color Correcting Video How-To Below!


Products Used

Get The Steps

  1. At the roots, prelighten the natural hair with Schwarzkopf Professional BLONDME Bond Enforcing Premium Lightener 9+ + BLONDME Bleach & Tone Cool Additive and 25-volume developer.
  2. Then, lighten the ends with BLONDME Bond Enforcing Premium Lightener 9+ and 30-volume developer.
  3. On the mids, use BLONDME Bond Enforcing Premium Lightener 9+ and 20-volume developer. Let process for 1 hour.
  4. Next, tone with Schwarzkopf Professional IGORA(R) VIBRANCE—3 oz. 9.5-21 + 1 oz. 9.5-19 and 4 oz. 6-volume developer (1.9%). Let process for 15 minutes.
  5. Finish with a deep conditioner to seal and rebuild bonds.



Color Correction Problems and Solutions:


  • Clients only visualize the end result—if they come to the salon with an inspiration pic, they expect that look when they leave.
  • Stylists, on the other hand, see the inspiration pic and from there decide how to dissect, section, formulate and which technique to use for the best results.



Don’t Book The Color Service Under The Desired End Result

  • If a client needs more than three levels of lift, the service becomes a color correction.
  • For example, if the hair is like the picture on the left (below) and the client wants the haircolor on the right side of the pic—don’t book a balayage service!


Josie Vilay Color Correction Video How-To


Educate The Client + Plan For Multiple Sessions

  • Make sure clients book proper services and time!
  • Tell clients that every head takes lightener differently and achieving their desired color could take multiple sessions.
  • Ask clients to fill out client cards or a waiver form so that you both understand unintended results are a possibility.



Get more from @josievilay—watch how she eliminates yellow bands!