Articles > Hair Color > 4 Post-Quarantine Haircolor Solutions You Can Charge Money For

4 Post-Quarantine Haircolor Solutions You Can Charge Money For

Fast Color Services Toner Lowlights Gray Blending Transition Foils Into Balayage Schwarzkopf Professional IGORA VIBRANCE
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Fast Service Ideas: Toner Touch-Ups, Transitioning Foils & Gray Blending

We’ve had to deal with a lot of unexpected changes in 2020, and honestly, so have our clients. The new normal? It’s typical to see our regulars come in with months of outgrowth, unable to keep up with their pre-COVID schedules and requests to transition into more low-maintenance looks. But don’t worry, this is a great opportunity to come up with color solutions you can charge for—let’s break them down!


Here are four different post-quarantine client situations and solutions. Keep reading for fast services that will make you $$$ from color experts!


Situation #1: Client can’t keep their pre-COVID hair schedule, but wants to still look fresh in between lightening appointments.


Solution: Toner Touch-Ups

If a client typically comes in every 4 to 6 weeks for lightening appointments, book gloss services between to refresh their color. This is how Josie Vilayvanh (@josievilay) maintains cool tones on platinum and blondes using Schwarzkopf Professional IGORA VIBRANCE® Demi-Permanent Color that can be applied with two different consistencies.


Bottle vs. Bowl & Brush Applications:

IGORA VIBRANCE® is a liquid formula that turns into a gel or cream based on developer choice—IGORA VIBRANCE® 1.9% (6 Vol.) Activator Gel for fast bottle applications and IGORA VIBRANCE® 4% (13 Vol.) for bowl-and-brush applications.


Watch @josivilay’s Toner Bottle Application Below

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Zigzag Technique For Faster Toning

Liz Haven O’ Neill (@lizhaven) speeds up her bottle application by applying IGORA VIBRANCE® underneath large sections in a zigzag, allowing the color to expand underneath. Then, she drops the section down so the color is visible and blends with a glove. This ensures even saturation at the root and cuts down time.


Watch Liz’s Timesaving Application Method Below

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Situation #2: Platinum clients realized in quarantine that they can’t keep up their color and want to transition into a lived-in look.


Solution: Transition Foils into Balayage

Most platinum and heavy-highlighted clients don’t want to see warmth, so Natalie Eiley (@nat_doeshair) uses a double melt technique that blends out the line of demarcation without being too dark or light, and achieves that perfect amount of ash. Here’s the breakdown:


  1. Start with three fine, back-to-back foils at the hairline to create a money piece for a high-contrast balayage effect.


  1. Then, add WARMTH—this is key! Fill the hair with a warm color that is a level lighter than your desired end result. Nat used IGORA VIBRANCE® 7-55 (gold) to create lowlights because her goal was an ashy Level 6/5. Separate highlights and lowlights with mesh.


  1. Process and rinse out the warm color. Then, apply IGORA VIBRANCE® 6-12, a Level 6 ash blue to cancel any warmth for the seamless balayage look.


Watch the Double Melt Process Below

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Situation #3: Client has gray sparkles and wants to blend for a more natural grow-out, since they aren’t sure when they’ll be back in your chair.


Solution: Natural Gray Blending

Let’s say your client is about 30 percent gray, predominantly around the part and hairline. Instead of covering gray, give clients a more natural grow-out by alternating highlights in slices to blend the gray in. By doing highlight slices and blending with IGORA VIBRANCE® 1.9% (6 Vol.) Activator Gel, the blended gray looks like an accent to the highlights.


Watch Abbey Brookee (@abbeybrookee) Highlight & Blend Below

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Situation #4: Client came back right after quarantine for a super blonde look, and she’ll be coming back in the fall for more dimension.


Solution: Lowlights

If your client wants to transition into something darker, consider pulling lowlights through the ends to create more dimension. Here’s a breakdown on how Carly Zanoni (@the.blonde.chronicles) formulates her IGORA VIBRANCE® lowlights and chooses the right booster.


Carly’s Quick Guide To Boosters:

  • Roots To Mids: -0s
  • Mids & Ends: -6s, -57s and -65s
  • Avoid Muddiness: Add 0-55 to mids and ends.
  • Developer: Activator Lotion to help stick in foils and prevent slipping.


Check Out Carly’s Lowlight Application Below

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