Articles > Hair Color > Watch: Muted Metallic Toning Techniques

Watch: Muted Metallic Toning Techniques

Paul Mitchell Facebook Live Muted Metallic Collection Toning Techniques Colin Caruso Mary Cuomo Heather Ka'anoi Chelsea Litchfield Lavender
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Facebook Live: Learn Toning Techniques For Muted Metallic Haircolor
Whether your cool-girl clients are requesting a trendy rose gold or an icy blonde refresh, toning techniques will give you wearable shades with longevity. That’s why we’re sharing a diverse range of tips and formulas, so you can create everything from a smoky all-over lavender to bold creative color looks using demi-permanent glosses. 


We went live with the ultimate Paul Mitchell squad aka Colin Caruso (@colincaruso), Mary Cuomo (@cuomocromeans), Heather Ka’anoi (@h_kaanoi) and Chelsea Litchfield (@abstracthairartistry) at the Hawaii Seminar 2019 to livestream a complete muted metallic color class—watch it all below! 

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Watch The Facebook Live Below!


Tap The Beakers For The Color Formulas!

Paul Mitchell Facebook Live Muted Metallic Collection Toning Techniques Colin Caruso Mary Cuomo Heather Ka'anoi Chelsea Litchfield
open color formula
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  • Formula A

    Paul Mitchell Blue Oil Lightener + 20-volume developer

  • Formula B

    Paul Mitchell The Demi Muted Metallic Silver + Processing Liquid

  • Formula C

    equal parts Paul Mitchell The Demi Muted Metallic Rose Gold + Clear + Processing Liquid

  • Formula D

    Paul Mitchell POP XG Diluter + Tropical Blue (4:1)


Paul Mitchell Facebook Live Muted Metallic Collection Toning Techniques Colin Caruso Mary Cuomo Heather Ka'anoi Chelsea Litchfield Lavender
open color formula
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  • Formula A

    Paul Mitchell Blonde SynchroLift Lightener + 20-volume developer

  • Formula B

    2 oz. Paul Mitchell The Demi Muted Metallic Lavender + 2 oz. Processing Liquid

  • Formula C

    1 oz. Paul Mitchell The Demi Clear + 2 oz. Muted Metallic Lavender + 3 oz. Processing Liquid

  • Formula D

    1 oz. Paul Mitchell POP XG Pink Flamingo

  • Formula E

    1 oz. POP XG Opalescent


Paul Mitchell Facebook Live Muted Metallic Collection Toning Techniques Colin Caruso Mary Cuomo Heather Ka'anoi Chelsea Litchfield
open color formula
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  • Formula A

    Paul Mitchell Dual Purpose Lightener + 20-volume developer

  • Formula B

    1 oz. Paul Mitchell The Color XG 10A + Blue Intensifier + 1 oz. 10-volume developer

  • Formula C

    1.5 oz. Paul Mitchell POP XG Pink 

  • Formula D

    1.5 oz. POP XG Yellow


Paul Mitchell Facebook Live Muted Metallic Collection Toning Techniques Colin Caruso Mary Cuomo Heather Ka'anoi Chelsea Litchfield Rose Gold
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  • Formula A

    Paul Mitchell Dual Purpose Lightener + 20-volume developer

  • Formula B

    2 oz. Paul Mitchell The Demi Muted Metallic Rose Gold + 2 oz. Processing Liquid

  • Formula C

    Paul Mitchell POP XG Peachy Keen + Pink


The models also had their hair cut onstage! Scroll through the total transformations below!

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Cut by Lucas Doney (@lucasdoney)


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Cut by Marco Iafrate (@mr_marcoiafrate)


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Cut by Fern Andong (@fernthebarber)


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Cut by Cristiano Cora (@coracristiano)

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