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5 Tips For Mastering @lizhaven’s Strandlights Technique

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5 Tips For Mastering @lizhaven’s Strandlights Technique

Low-maintenance clients love a bright, sun-kissed finish that’ll promote a seamless grow-out (without the stripes or excessive damage). One technique that checks every box? Strandlights. Instagram’s been buzzing about this technique, so BTC Team Member Liz Haven O’Neill (@lizhaven) stopped by the BTC House to share her signature highlighting technique—and we pulled her top five tips for you! Check ‘em out below.


Click Here To Purchase Liz’s Strandlights Livestream!


1. Her Part Matters

Liz always starts the consultation by asking clients where they part their hair and whether they consistently switch it up or stick to a steady part. Why? It affects where Liz paints the strandlights. So for clients who stick to a steady side part, Liz always starts the application on the side with more hair.


Note: It’s OK if her part isn’t perfect! To better mimic how the sun would lighten her hair, you want to paint the hair how it naturally lays.


2. Go Easy With The Product Usage

This detailing technique focuses on painting tiny strands, so don’t overload your brush with lightener. When too much product is applied in the foil, it causes slippage and gives you less control. Check out how light-handed Liz is in the gif below!




3. The Key To An Even Lift? 

Using the same volume developer throughout. Liz likes to formulate her lightener with 15-volume developer on Levels 7 and up because a lower developer ensures the small sections won’t over-process.


4. Liz’s Pivoting Foil Placement

All three foils will have the same pivot point (where they “kiss”) to ensure there’s a burst of blonde in the front. Here’s what Liz does:


  • The first foil is a diagonal back weaved foil that follows the hairline.



  • The next foil will be horizontal to retain depth between the foils while adding a glow in the interior.



  • Then, the third foil will be placed diagonally forward. 



5. When Strandlights Are Ideal

Strandlights are perfect for detailing an ombré or balayage, for touching up highlights or to add dimension with a lowlight. But one question Liz is frequently asked—who is the ideal strandlights clients? She says it’s:

  • Clients with existing balayage.
  • Clients with 50 percent gray who want it to better blend with the rest of their hair.
  • Clients who want to encourage their natural regrowth.


Check out the stunning finished look below!






Want more education from Liz? Here are her six tips for perfectly executing a French blow-dry set!

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Liz Haven O'Neill