News > News > New York Makes It Illegal To Leave Salon Without Paying
Last updated: September 27, 2018

New York Makes It Illegal To Leave Salon Without Paying

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This New Law Will Affect Your Business…In A Good Way! 

THIS JUST IN. On September 26, New York Governor Andrew M. Cuomo signed legislation to protect barbershops, salons and service providers against individuals who steal their services and ditch appointments without paying. This bill will close a loophole in the current law to include the failure to pay for services provided by a barbershop, salon or beauty shop. This new law will make it a Class A misdemeanor.


“Beauty salons and barbershops are no different than other small businesses whose livelihoods depend on the support of their communities,” shares Governor Cuomo. “This legislation closes a nonsensical loophole that gives these businesses equal protection under the law once and for all.”


Before the law passed, it was already a misdemeanor offense to leave a restaurant without paying but this law didn’t protect barbershops or salons, so salon owners had few options when a client skipped out on paying. Oftentimes, they would make small claims in court or take no action at all.