Formulas > Hair Color > Sandy Blonde Balayage

Sandy Blonde Balayage

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  • Formula A:

    GKhair Juvexin Lightening Powder + 30-volume Developer + Shield Additive+

  • Formula B:

    GKhair Juvexin Cream Color 9.1 + 8.13 + Violet Mixtone + 20-volume Developer

When you’re able to create a beautiful balayage and keep the integrity of the hair at the same time, you become a powerhouse colorist. That’s where GKhair comes in. As a product line that improves the condition of the hair and provides hair care solutions for consumers, it helps stylists create amazing color and build an amazing clientele. Get the color formula for this transformation below. 

Who Did It

Colorist: Mehrnaz Ghadery
Manufacturer: GKhair, @gkhair

Products Used


  • Formula A:

    GKhair Juvexin Lightening Powder + 30-volume Developer + Shield Additive+

  • Formula B:

    GKhair Juvexin Cream Color 9.1 + 8.13 + Violet Mixtone + 20-volume Developer