Formulas > Hair Color > Purest Platinum Perfection
Last updated: June 13, 2018

Purest Platinum Perfection

By Zach Mesquit

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  • Natural/Starting Level:

    Level 2 regrowth

  • Formula A:

    MAGIC Ammonia Free Powder Lightener + 30-volume developer

  • Formula B:

    MAGIC Ammonia Free Powder Lightener + 20-volume developer

  • Formula C (toner):

    Fanola Silver Hair Toner Color Cream + 3.5-volume developer

It only seems fitting that Zach Mesquit would have @platinum_perfection as his Instagram handle because this color formula (and his entire Instagram feed) is exactly that! This platinum color embodies the purest and iciest of stark white shades. Check out how you can achieve platinum perfection too!


Total Chair Time: About 6 hours. “It took me two, 3-hour lightening sessions to achieve her white blonde,” Zach notes.


Pricing: $600


Who Did It

Colorist: Zach Mesquit
Manufacturer: Fanola; Magic


  • Natural/Starting Level:

    Level 2 regrowth

  • Formula A:

    MAGIC Ammonia Free Powder Lightener + 30-volume developer

  • Formula B:

    MAGIC Ammonia Free Powder Lightener + 20-volume developer

  • Formula C (toner):

    Fanola Silver Hair Toner Color Cream + 3.5-volume developer


1. Apply Formula A on her natural regrowth, then balayage the darker, warm pieces with Formula A throughout the hair as well.


2. Once everything is lifted to a Level 10, saturate the hair with Formula B. Zach also used Formula18™ throughout the bleaching process.


3. Then once the hair is saturated, process at room temperature until the hair reaches an even, butter-colored blonde; past a Level 10. Shampoo and towel-dry the hair, then tone using Formula C for 10 minutes.