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Last updated: July 16, 2010

BTC On Paper Exclusive: Eugene Davis Objects of Art

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BTC On Paper Exclusive: Eugene Davis Objects of Art

Recently published in On Paper Art + Business Issue:

Eugene Davis – Objects of Art

Before there was Gaga, there was Grace Jones. With her bionic body, fierce gaze, multi-octave range and outrageous antics, the fashion icon and disco queen captivated audiences for more than a decade. Outrageous and fearlessly individual, the style of this ‘80s icon spurred Eugene Davis to push it to the limits—stronger, higher, bigger, badder. In his “grace notes,” he explains, “Starting with Ms Jones’ most unforgettable hair statements, I decided to re-direct her essence into these modern-day, fashionista superheroes.” Amazing Grace!

Photo Credits:
Hair: Eugene Davis
Makeup: Alison Cameron
Styling: Ihunna Eberendu
Photographer: James Bell
Art direction: Freelance the Work Space

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Keyword: artdavis



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