What Would You Do: I Farted In Front of My Client!
Encouraging Words From The BTC Community When A Fart Slips Out In Front of A Client
We love hearing from the BTC community about everything you do behind the chair. We get a lot of insightful and interesting questions in our DMs, but when we got THIS one, we HAD to know what happens when you catch a case of the bubble guts? A member of the BTC fam asked this very question, and the responses did not disappoint! Scroll down for all of the explosive details!
“26 years of doing hair! At this morning’s 10 am appointment I am halfway done with haircut and I had the most horrific belly pain I’ve ever had. I was afraid to move! I thought I may mess my pants. I felt like my intestines were going to burst and out of absolutely nowhere I let the smelliest, silent fart ever!!! I never want to see that client again!!! I’ve NEVER been so embarrassed in my entire life and I still want to run away!!! Has this ever happened to anyone? What did you do?”
Pass Gas… Then Pass the Product and the Blame
“Turn on your blow dryer and blow that stank away 🤣🤣🤣!” – @jackie_susca
“Lol start the blow dryer and spray your best smelling product .. 😂!”– @alli_little
“Regular occurrence here, blow it away with your blow dryer lol 😂😂.” – @steph_jams
“Next time hit the dryer, then fart 👍.”– @voilasalonrva
“That’s when you say: ‘I’m so sorry, one of the stylists must be doing a perm. I can’t believe they still smell so bad after all these years!’ 😏.”– @big_birtha_
“That’s when you pick up your best smelling product and spray that sh*t everywhere!” – @xjackiedutchx
“The trick is to waft it away with the blow dryer and then look slightly disgusted at one of your co-workers to pin it on them.. not that I’ve done this lol 😂.” – @beckeboo29
“Bring your bulldog to work and blame it on her. 😂😂😂😂That’s what I do… just kidding… kinda 😉.”– @samihairmagic
“QUICK! Spray product like it’s your job and start up the blow dryer! Blame it on the perm!” – @hairbyalina_joie
“Girl, you just grab a can of any hairspray and go to town! I convinced a client that it’s a new trend to use hairspray on wet hair.” – @michaelsean1972
“We have dogs in the salon so it’s always their fault. Always 😂.”– @superflynails
“Blow-dry that fart to the stylist beside you and they can pass it on!” – @anniemcdanie_
Clients Do It Too…
“I’ve had clients fart in my chair and I would have to pretend it didn’t happen so they wouldn’t feel embarrassed. So, if it can happen to them, it can happen to you lol. Just start spraying and using nice smelling products. Or just pretend it didn’t happen or it wasn’t you. For all they know it could’ve been someone else!”– @pinkpistl30
“How about when your client farts and pretends they didn’t just waft it from under the cape!!!!!!” – @hairbychristian
“I’m going to start asking my client if they farted instead.. lol.” – @christina_ahlert
“I had a client who had no shame. She would to let them rip loud and clear. She was not embarrassed at all! I use to look at her with a raised eyebrow and she would say to me, ‘Don’t worry my farts don’t smell.’ It always amazed me how she didn’t feel embarrassed, even when other clients were in the salon. Pity, I never felt like farting when she was around, it would have turned into a farting competition 😏💨🤣💥💨.”– @hello_gday
“I’m crying, it happens lol and they do it to us. It’s fine.” – @Ineedsteph
You’re Not Alone
“Same experience for me! I had a man in my chair and his teenage son was sitting at an empty station beside us. Thankfully it was a silent but deadly one. My facial expression never changed as I continued cutting his hair. The smell finally hit my client’s nose and he said, ‘Hold on,’ looked at his son and said, “boy, take your nasty a** to the truck!’ Oh my Lord!!! I was literally dying inside! Literally!! 🤢🤣🤣.”– Lecia Vetetoe-Layton
“HAHAHAHAHAHA I’d be like ‘I totally pooted so now we are family’.” – @sarahpeakemuah
“Sh*t Happens!” – @Kerryleeob
“If that’s the worst thing that’s ever happened behind the chair, I’d say you’re doing ok.” – @kellyfratzkeblake
“I farted silently while blow drying a client and he goes, ‘It smells like food in here.’ It sure does, bud. It sure does.” – Sandra Lee
“It took you 26 years? 👍😜” – @traceytrails
“Keep on farting no biggie! 💩💆♀️” – @ang_ella_
“You’ve only farted once in 26 years?!” – @lebeautyoperator
And Remember….
“If no one heard it … was it really even you?” – @sheenandshears
Check Out the Original Instagram Post for All of the Hilarious Comments!