Articles > Styling > Dos and Don’ts for Styling Naturally Textured Hair

Dos and Don’ts for Styling Naturally Textured Hair

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Courtesy of Instagram @pekelariley

Dos and Don’ts for Styling Naturally Textured Hair

Did you know naturally textured hair is far more fragile than naturally straight hair? Styling clients with varying texture is not one-size-fits-all, so we got the scoop from Ulta Beauty Pro Team member and Salon PK Founder Pekela Riley (@pekelariley). She talked us through the dos and don’ts of styling textured hair to keep it as healthy as possible–scroll for what we learned!

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DON’T: Think Dry Hair is Better

Pekela advises to continuously wet the hair down as you work. When naturally textured hair is wet, it is more manageable and will prevent any knotting or tangles.


DO:  Create Slip

Applying a detangling spray or leave-in conditioner is the first and most important step when it comes to styling naturally textured hair.  “A leave-in conditioner, like the 25 Miracle Milk from Mizani, will help prime naturally textured hair and seal the cuticle,” Pekela explains. “Since there is so much porosity in curly hair, detangling and laying the cuticles down allows for easier styling.”



DON’T: Brushing from Roots to Ends

One of the most important things to remember when brushing a client with naturally textured hair is to avoid creating tangles. Brushing the hair from the root and trying to work the brush down to the ends will create tangles, cause breakage and may even result in the brush stuck at the ends (yikes).


DO: “Walk” the Brush Upwards

After applying a leave-in conditioner, Pekela suggests using the “walk up method” for brushing and blowing drying. Lightly brush out the ends of the hair and “walk” the brush up to the root gently brushing as you work upward.


brushing, textured hair, natural hair


DON’T: Use a Round Brush for a Blow Out

“Absolutely catastrophic,” Pekela warns. Since there is a lesser level of elasticity in naturally textured hair, it tends to be more fragile when pulled with a brush. The constant motion of pulling curly hair will weaken the hair over time and is also very uncomfortable for the client.


DO: Work Smarter and Smaller

When blow drying naturally textured hair, Pekela suggests taking smaller sections, using a vent brush  and using the “walk up” method of brushing.


natural hair, hairstyle, natural curls
Naturally Textured Hair from Pekela’s Instagram


DON’T: Scrunch

When styling, don’t scrunch the hair upwards. This will create tangles inside of the style and will be hard for your client brush through.


DO: Style Outward

Use your fingers and product to direct natural curls outward. Pekela explains this is the first step to eliminate tangles and creates room for natural curls when styled.


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