Formulas > Hair Color > Warm Brunette Base + Caramel Highlights

Warm Brunette Base + Caramel Highlights

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  • Formula A:

    L’Oréal Professionnel INOA 5.8/5M + 20-volume INOA Rich Developer

  • Formula B:

    INOA 6.8/6M + 20-volume INOA Rich Developer

  • Formula C:

    ½ INOA 5.8/5M and ½ INOA 6.8/6M + 20-volume INOA Rich Developer

  • Formula D:

    Blond Studio Multi-Techniques Powder + 30-volume Majicrème Developer + Smartbond Step 1

Warm brunette + caramel highlights come together to create this golden “tiger eye” balayage—and we are here for it. Using Nancy Braun’s signature balayage technique and the INOA permanent color line from L’Oréal Professionnel, Min Kim created the rich, warm and multi-dimensional hue everyone is after this fall. Here’s how she did it. 


Who Did It

Colorist: Min Kim

Products Used


  • Formula A:

    L’Oréal Professionnel INOA 5.8/5M + 20-volume INOA Rich Developer

  • Formula B:

    INOA 6.8/6M + 20-volume INOA Rich Developer

  • Formula C:

    ½ INOA 5.8/5M and ½ INOA 6.8/6M + 20-volume INOA Rich Developer

  • Formula D:

    Blond Studio Multi-Techniques Powder + 30-volume Majicrème Developer + Smartbond Step 1


Before and after.


1. First, establish a profile parting. Then create an ear-to-ear parting and section the hair into quadrants.


2. Beginning in the back and at the nape, apply Formula A as a global retouch application.


3. Moving toward the front sections, begin applying Formula B to frame the face. Process for 35 minutes.


4. Apply Formula C to the midlengths and ends, smudging/blending where the formulas meet to create a diffused tone. Once processing is complete, rinse thoroughly and shampoo with L’Oréal Professionnel INOA Post-Color Shampoo.


5. Next, gently blow-dry the hair, section into quadrants and secure with clips. Then, beginning in the front sections, highlight select pieces using Formula D and a wide, single-point balayage technique. Process to desired level of lightness and rinse thoroughly.


6. If needed, gloss with L’Oréal Professionnel DIA Light and Smartbond Step 1. Process for up to 10 minutes and rinse thoroughly. Then apply Smartbond Step 2 and process for 10 minutes.


7. Follow with L’Oréal Professionnel Vitamino Color A-OX Shampoo and Mask.


Before and after.


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