Formulas > Permanent Color > Soft, Ashy Violet
Last updated: January 03, 2019

Soft, Ashy Violet

By Presley Poe

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  • Formula A
    1 oz PRAVANA ChromaSilk Permanent Creme Hair Color 5.11 + 5.7 + 7.7 + 4.5 oz 10-volume PRAVANA Crème Developer
  • Formula B
    1 oz ChromaSilk Permanent Creme Hair Color 7.7 + 8.7 + 3 oz 20-volume PRAVANA Crème Developer

This vivid violet hue by PRAVANA’s Head Colorist Presley Poe (@presleypoe) using the new ChromaSilk .7 series permanent colors is just what you (and your bolder clients) are looking for to really cause a scene. That’s why we’re breaking down the entire application process step-by-step right here. Keep scrolling to get all the deets below!

Who Did It

Artist: Presley Poe
Manufacturer: PRAVANA, @pravana

Products Used


  • Formula A
    1 oz PRAVANA ChromaSilk Permanent Creme Hair Color 5.11 + 5.7 + 7.7 + 4.5 oz 10-volume PRAVANA Crème Developer
  • Formula B
    1 oz ChromaSilk Permanent Creme Hair Color 7.7 + 8.7 + 3 oz 20-volume PRAVANA Crème Developer


1. Section hair from ear to ear. Leave the back half out.


2. Starting at the nape, apply Formula A 1 inch at the base of the hair. Continue applying Formula A in V-shaped sections along the hairline for a softer color melt.


Pro Tip: For longer hair, bring color down two inches to add more dimension.


3. From the midshaft to the ends, color melt Formula B onto the hair. Use the fingers to blend in Formula A to remove lines of demarcation. 


4. Let the color process at room temperature for 30-45 minutes.


5. Proceed to shampoo, condition and style the hair.