Formulas > Hair Color > #mydentity Rose Gold

#mydentity Rose Gold

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  • Formula A

    Wella Professionals Blondor Freelights + 20-volume developer

  • Formula B

    equal parts RUSK Deepshine Demi 8N + RUSK Deepshine Demi 7N + PRAVANA Zero Lift Crème Developer

  • Formula C

    #mydentity Permanent Hair Color 9AR + PRAVANA Zero Lift Crème Developer + Olaplex No.2

  • Formula D

    #mydentity Permanent Hair Color 10RG + PRAVANA Zero Lift Crème Developer + Olaplex No.2

One of our favorite things about rose gold? Everyone has their own take on the trend. The latest iteration we’re loving is from Emily Burr (@mayhemilyhair) of Duxbury, Mass. Emily’s client came to her with previously-foiled, highlighted hair with about four inches of natural Level 8 regrowth, and she used Guy Tang’s new #mydentity color line to create this vibrant rose gold. So what’s Emily’s secret? Read on for her color formula and how-to!


Pricing: $225 for balayage, cut and style


Total chair time: 3.5 hours 


Who Did It

Products Used


  • Formula A

    Wella Professionals Blondor Freelights + 20-volume developer

  • Formula B

    equal parts RUSK Deepshine Demi 8N + RUSK Deepshine Demi 7N + PRAVANA Zero Lift Crème Developer

  • Formula C

    #mydentity Permanent Hair Color 9AR + PRAVANA Zero Lift Crème Developer + Olaplex No.2

  • Formula D

    #mydentity Permanent Hair Color 10RG + PRAVANA Zero Lift Crème Developer + Olaplex No.2


1. Balayage the whole head using Formula A. Face frame using a babylights technique. Process with no heat for 25 to 30 minutes.

2. At the bowl, rinse, then apply Formula B using a smudging/feathering technique, blending quickly to create a shadow and buff away any old lines of demarcation. Shampoo, rinse using cold water and rough-dry.

3. Using a freehand balayage technique, alternate applying Formulas C and D, melting the two colors together. Process at room temperature until desired shade is achieved.

4. At the bowl, massage and emulsify the colors throughout the head, then shampoo and condition.

5. Apply Kenra Professional Platinum Blow-Dry Serum and rough-dry. Emily styled the hair with a 1¼-inch Hot Tools® Professional Marcel Curling Iron, cooled, then raked her fingers through the hair. She finished with Aquage Beyond Shine Ultra-Light Silicone Polish and Design.ME Puff ME Volumizing Cloud Mist.