Formulas > Brunette > Gem-Toned Brunette from Schwarzkopf Professional
Gem-Toned Brunette from Schwarzkopf Professional
Last updated: May 31, 2017
Formula A
IGORA PEARLESCENCE P 6-89 + IGORA ROYAL Oil Developer 6% (10-volume)
Formula B
IGORA PEARLESCENCE P 6-23 + IGORA ROYAL Oil Developer 6% (10-volume)
Formula C
IGORA ROYAL 6-1 + IGORA ROYAL Oil Developer 3% (10-volume)
Here’s one for all your brunettes! A rich, chocolate brown is infused with pearlized tones of teal, violet and chestnut, creating a multidimensional fashion-inspired look. The Schwarzkopf Professional Pearlescence Collection combines the perfect balance of pastel and vivid tones with natural shades to create a truly unique look.