Formulas > Pink > Blush Bob

Blush Bob

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  • Formula A

    L’ANZA Healing Haircare Powder Decolorizer + 20-volume developer + b3 Brazilian Bond Builder

  • Formula B

    Powder Decolorizer + 30-volume developer + b3

  • Formula C

    15 g Schwarzkopf Professional IGORA ROYAL Pearlescence 9-5,89 + 15 g Schwarzkopf Professional IGORA Vibrance 9-5,18 + 15 g IGORA Vibrance 8,29 + 5 g IGORA Vibrance 0-11 + 7-volume developer + b3

Instagram via @shmeggsandbaconn with over 13,000 likes

This is the blush of your clients’ DREAMS! We are obsessed with the hue and needed deets from BTC Team Member Megan Schipani (@shmeggsandbaconn) STAT, and she delivered! Check out how she did it below!


Who Did It

Products Used


  • Formula A

    L’ANZA Healing Haircare Powder Decolorizer + 20-volume developer + b3 Brazilian Bond Builder

  • Formula B

    Powder Decolorizer + 30-volume developer + b3

  • Formula C

    15 g Schwarzkopf Professional IGORA ROYAL Pearlescence 9-5,89 + 15 g Schwarzkopf Professional IGORA Vibrance 9-5,18 + 15 g IGORA Vibrance 8,29 + 5 g IGORA Vibrance 0-11 + 7-volume developer + b3


1. Prelighten with Formula A at the base and Formula B on the ends.


2. Rinse and apply L’ANZA Trauma Treatment at the bowl to deep condition and heal the hair.


3. Apply Formula C globally to tone. Process, rinse, shampoo, condition and style.


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  • Formula A

    L’ANZA Healing Haircare Powder Decolorizer + 20-volume developer + b3 Brazilian Bond Builder

  • Formula B

    Powder Decolorizer + 30-volume developer + b3

  • Formula C

    15 g Schwarzkopf Professional IGORA ROYAL Pearlescence 9-5,89 + 15 g Schwarzkopf Professional IGORA Vibrance 9-5,18 + 15 g IGORA Vibrance 8,29 + 5 g IGORA Vibrance 0-11 + 7-volume developer + b3

Instagram via @shmeggsandbaconn with over 13,000 likes