The 5 Things You Must Know To Work Backstage
BTC's Backstage Pass at Miss Universe 2017
When 92 girls are competing in a live, three-hour beauty pageant, things get CHAOTIC backstage—even though the hair and makeup must be absolutely, perfectly TV-ready. While the rest of the world watches for the winner, BTC is backstage finding out what you want to know: How do they style so quickly and beautifully? HOW?!
Enter the CHI style team. They move fast, they don’t buckle under pressure and they get the job done. CHI artists and pageant stylist veterans Tammy Mixon and Patrick Kalle clued us in on what every hairdresser must be prepared for backstage during a show this big.
1. Use tools that are going to get super-hot super-fast. Why? Because when styling 92 girls in a small space with very little time, stylists need to make every second count, and waiting for tools to heat up is never a good use of time.

Products Used
2. Use fast techniques that are going to create big end results very quickly. Why? Again, because of the time they have with the girls.

3. Don’t change the look, enhance it. Why? Because the goal isn’t to be super creative, it’s to create beautiful hair that is going to enhance the overall look of the girl.

4. Know the products and tools. Why? Because it can make or break a finished look and because the climate they’re working in can change how a style will show onstage.

5. Be versatile, adaptable and ready for anything. Why? Because it’s 2017! And it’s the Miss Universe pageant! And stylists cannot just know how to create big waves on long blonde hair!

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