Get the Look > Celebrity > Lily James’ Met Gala Twisted Bun + Piecey Fringe

Lily James’ Met Gala Twisted Bun + Piecey Fringe

lily james met gala punk spiky bun karl lagerfeld 2023
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Photo Credit: Instagram via @hallybrisker

It’s fashion’s biggest night out, and this year, our fave celebrities didn’t disappoint—thanks to their booked-and-busy glam teams. Actress Lily James embraced the 2023 Met Gala’s theme: Karl Lagerfeld: A Line of Beauty, with a black leather corseted gown by Tamara Ralph Couture, fingerless gloves and a Camellia flower… the signature motif of Chanel. 


“The inspiration for the look was a ’90s leather-core sharpness and punk twist on classic Chanel,” said Halley Brisker (@halleybrisker), the celebrity stylist who created Lily’s hair look with OLAPLEX. “Lindbergh and Herb Ritts were image makers I had looked at during my mood boarding process.”


Keep scrollin’ for the how-to steps and a BTS look with Lily and Halley.


Artist: Halley Brisker

Products Used


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Start prepping damp hair with OLAPLEX No. 6 Bond Smoother and OLAPLEX No. 9 Bond Protector Nourishing Hair Serum (2:1 parts), and comb through.

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Pro Tip: Before styling, Halley applied Great Lengths GL Tapes in color 04 to create a bigger canvas of hair to work with.


Blow-dry hair smooth and straight in medium sections, starting in the back and working toward the front sections to ensure all of the hair/roots are blown backwards. 


With a fixing spray or gel of your choice, saturate the hair and pull back tightly into a snatched ponytail, following the line of your client’s cheekbones and secure with a bungee hook. If your client has fringe, leave it out and blow-dry when finished. 


Take a two-inch section from underneath the ponytail and leave it to the side. Then, take the remainder of the ponytail, fold underneath itself and pin just below the base allowing it to hang freely in a loop.



Next, take the piece you had sectioned away to the side earlier and use some hairspray to create a sharp, sculpted piece to one side.


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Add embellishments around the base. Halley opted for leather flowers made custom by Lelet


Finish with OLAPLEX No. 7 Bonding Oil to maximize shine.

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Finished Look – Photo Credit: Instagram via @halleybrisker

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Finished Look – Photo Credit: Instagram via @halleybrisker

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