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How To Talk To Your Clients About Domestic Violence

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Domestic Violence Training For Hairdressers: What You Need To Know

Did you know that one in four women and one in seven men will experience domestic violence? We understand that this is a tough statistic to hear—and unfortunately, these numbers have continued to rise since the COVID-19 pandemic.


As a beauty professional, you’re in a unique position to help clients who are potentially victims of abuse. By learning to recognize the signs, how to safely talk to clients and having resources and tools on-hand, you can help make a big difference.


In fact, beauty professionals in some states are now required to take anti-domestic violence training. Most recently, the state of Tennessee made it a requirement for stylists to take up to one hour of this type of training per year, effective Jan. 1, 2022.


Stylists and barbers in the state will learn how to spot the signs of domestic abuse and where to send sufferers to get help. This initiative puts Tennessee in the ranks of other states, including Arkansas, Illinois and Washington, that have enlisted stylists to help identify signs of domestic abuse. The Tennessee law does not require mandatory reporting.


Whether training in this area is required in your state or you just want to be educated in how to help your clients, here are some tips from BARBICIDE® National Director of Education & Industry Relations Leslie Roste spoke to salon owner, domestic violence survivor and Shear Haven Co-Founder Susanne Shepherd Post (@su2she) on how to navigate conversations with clients who might be in danger. Keep scrolling for a few key takeaways.


Click here to take the Shear Haven Domestic Violence Training hosted by BARBICIDE®!


Key Takeaways:

1. Be An Ear

When a client is venting to you about their problems, it’s so easy to offer an opinion on the situation. But, when it comes to domestic violence, that’s not always the best approach—creating a supportive space is a must. Sometimes, the client just needs someone who isn’t a close friend or family member to listen without judgement.


2. Empathy & Patience Are Key 

It can take a domestic violence survivor up to seven times to leave an abusive relationship. It’s easy to pass judgement or get frustrated, wondering why someone won’t leave a toxic situation, but there are a variety of reasons people stay with their abusive partners.


Here are a few:

  • For their children
  • For their pets
  • Financial stability



3. Sign Up For Domestic Violence Training

A domestic violence victim is more likely to talk to someone they know than to go to the police. As hairdressers, it’s not your job to be your client’s therapist, but investing time in a domestic violence training course can give you the tools to navigate complicated conversations and lead your clients to professional help.


BARBICIDE® partnered with Shear Haven, an initiative of YWCA Nashville & Middle Tennessee, to offer the Shear Haven Domestic Violence Training Coursea free, 20-minute course for salon owners and stylists. Here’s what you’ll learn: 


  • How to recognize the signs of domestic violence


  • Red flags to look for with clients while they’re sitting in your chair


  • How to safely talk to your clients about domestic violence


  • Resources and tools that can help get a client to safety or a licensed professional


The Shear Haven Domestic Violence Training hosted by BARBICIDE® is approved to fulfill the state of Tennessee’s new domestic abuse training requirement. Click here to take the training.



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