Virgin To Dimensional Blonde Blend
By @kelleyscanvas
From Level 5 to Level 10, this color is for our guests looking for a major transformation. For Atlanta-based color specialist and BTC Team Member Kelley Brandon (@kelleyscanvas), bright blondes are an everyday request. But, when you have the special opportunity to work on fully virgin hair, safe brightening is a must.
Learn how to preserve moisture when lightening clients with naturally dark hair with Kelley’s insider tips. Below, learn why small sections are a must, how to care for dimensional blondes at home, plus color formulas.
Who is the ideal client?
“This technique is for clients who like to see dimension,” Kelley shares. “This client had virgin hair, so the process was seamless and it was able to be completed in one day.” Remember, hair history is important—if your client has previous color, you need to consider that!
What can first-time blondes clients do to preserve their color?
Having beautiful, blonde color starts at your appointment and ends with at-home care. Kelley always ensures her clients are prepared for the care commitment, get her checklist below!
- Consistent toners: “We recommend toners every 10 to 12 weeks. This client washes her hair once a week so toners last longer.”
- Less heat and more moisture: “We also recommend minimal heat, deep conditioning treatments and protein treatments every few weeks. We sent her home with the K18 Leave-In Mask!” she adds.
Check out the gorgeous, impactful transformation below:

Old Money Blonde: Master the trend with @hairbychrissydanielle on BTC University!