Selena Gomez Is Blonde! Here Are Her Color Formulas…
By Nikki Lee
Instagram via @nikkilee901
THIS JUST IN! Selena Gomez is officially BLONDE. Her go-to colorists, Nine Zero One Salon owners Nikki Lee (@nikkilee901) and Riawna Capri (@riawna) are sharing how they transformed Sel’s signature darker look into a rooty, cool-girl blonde. Hint 😉: It took 200 foils, several bowls of bleach and EIGHT hours! Tap the beaker for the color formulas and keep scrollin’ for all of the how-to steps.
“We’ve been doing Selena’s color for over a decade now,” said Nikki and Riawna. “She typically keeps it pretty natural, but this time she went for a big change. This blonde is unique to her as we had to make sure there was an equal balance of cool and warm for her skin tone. It’s an edgier look and perfect for summer.”