Quick Copper Refresh
If Your Client’s Copper Comes Back Looking Dull, Try This
Copper clients will always return to us faded, but there are a few things you can look for to alter your formula and application to keep their color vibrant!
To achieve even, long-lasting copper, work on these three things:
- Hot roots. If your client’s roots are the only part of the hair that didn’t fade drastically, you need to alter your application process to counteract this fast-processing area!
- Dull ends. Although this super porous part of the hair will fade fast, consider trimming your client pre-refresh appointment. (Yes, sometimes every time is necessary.)
- Visible brown patches. Did your client’s copper brown out? Don’t load extra red color on top. Brown patches signify an uneven base that may need to be lifted or filled in.

Carolynn Judd (@styled_by_carolynn) knows we need to get our clients in and out during busy season. Use her two-step formula below to neutralize hot roots and add vibrancy back to your client’s copper.
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