Formulas > Hair Color > How-To: Perfectly Blended Blonde

How-To: Perfectly Blended Blonde

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  • Starting Level:

    6 with 50% Gray

  • Formula A:

    1½ oz. SOCOLOR 508GV (Medium Blonde Gold Violet Extra Coverage) + 1½ oz. 20-volume Matrix Cream Developer

  • Formula B:

    2 scoops Light Master Lightener + 2 oz. 20-volume Matrix Cream Developer

  • Formula C:

    2 oz. Color Sync 8WN (Blended Naturals) + 2 oz. 10-volume Matrix Cream Developer

To whet your appetites for Matrix’s Battle of the Blondes, celebrity stylist George Papanikolas crafted this perfectly blended blonde that not only turns heads, but radiates sex appeal and style! How can you create this smooth blonde color? “Picking up v-shaped sections of hair creates a seamless color melt effect without any harsh lines,” says George. Here’s how you can recreate this look in your salon.

Who Did It

Manufacturer: Matrix, @matrix

Products Used


  • Starting Level:

    6 with 50% Gray

  • Formula A:

    1½ oz. SOCOLOR 508GV (Medium Blonde Gold Violet Extra Coverage) + 1½ oz. 20-volume Matrix Cream Developer

  • Formula B:

    2 scoops Light Master Lightener + 2 oz. 20-volume Matrix Cream Developer

  • Formula C:

    2 oz. Color Sync 8WN (Blended Naturals) + 2 oz. 10-volume Matrix Cream Developer


1. Divide the hair into even quadrants.


2. Outline the quadrant sections for control using Formula A. Next, apply Formula A to the entire new-growth area. Process for 30-45 minutes at room temperature.


3. Rinse thoroughly, cleanse and blow-dry.


4. Divide the hair into even quadrants. Next, create a parting across the occipital region, as shown.


5. Pick up a small section of hair and apply Formula B using a balayage technique. Side-brush the lightener to the top side of the stand, staying approximately ½ to 2 inches away from the scalp. Place cotton strips in between the sections to protect the remaining hair. For an all-over lighter result, pick up pieces close together to achieve a lighter effect.


6. Visually determine how much color should be placed while moving in ¼ inch sections throughout the quadrants. Process at room temperature for 50 minutes.


7. Rinse and towel dry.


8. Apply Formula C to pre-lightened hair and process up to 20 minutes or until the desired result is achieved.


9. Rinse thoroughly and condition using Matrix Biolage or Total Results Shampoo and Conditioner.