Formulas > Hair Color > Oh So Pastel Pink

Oh So Pastel Pink

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  • Formula A:

    Lightener + 30-volume + Redken pH-Bonder

  • Formula B:

    Equal Parts Redken Shades EQ 09V + 09P + Shades EQ Processing Solution

  • Formula C:

    3:1 Redken City Beats Ballet Pink + Midtown Magenta

  • Formula D:

    Full Bottle Shades EQ Pastel Pink + ½ oz. Pastel Peach + Processing Solution

The trick for creating a perfect shade of muted-metallic pink? The starting level! Make sure the hair is a pale Level 8 or higher before adding any pastel color. Here’s how Lyndsey Palumbo (@lyndseyteresehair) created this cool Redken rose using the new Shades EQ pastel colors!

Who Did It

Colorist: Lyndsey Palumbo
Manufacturer: Redken, @redken

Products Used


  • Formula A:

    Lightener + 30-volume + Redken pH-Bonder

  • Formula B:

    Equal Parts Redken Shades EQ 09V + 09P + Shades EQ Processing Solution

  • Formula C:

    3:1 Redken City Beats Ballet Pink + Midtown Magenta

  • Formula D:

    Full Bottle Shades EQ Pastel Pink + ½ oz. Pastel Peach + Processing Solution


1. First, lighten the hair and let process until desired level is reached. Know that when creating pastel colors, working on a Level 8 or higher is best. Rinse hair and tone all over with Formula B.


2. Then rinse again and add Formula C to the root areas and Formula D to the midlengths and ends. Let process and rinse. Then, dry and style as desired.