Formulas > Hair Color > Muted Metal Brunette

Muted Metal Brunette

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  • Formula A:

    1 scoop Redken Flash Lift Maximum Power Lightening Powder + 2 oz. 40-volume Redken Pro-oxide Cream Developer

  • Formula B:

    1 oz. 6T Iron Shades EQ Gloss + 2 oz. Shades EQ Processing Solution

  • Formula C:

    2 oz. 09T Chrome Shades EQ Gloss + 1 cap 01B Onyx Shades EQ Gloss + 2 oz. Shades EQ Processing Solution

Muted metallic is trending for 2018, so when your brunette client says she wants to change it up a bit, offer this cool chrome brown. Here are the formulas and steps Redken Global Color Creative Director Josh Wood uses to make it happen.

Who Did It

Manufacturer: Redken, @redken

Products Used


  • Formula A:

    1 scoop Redken Flash Lift Maximum Power Lightening Powder + 2 oz. 40-volume Redken Pro-oxide Cream Developer

  • Formula B:

    1 oz. 6T Iron Shades EQ Gloss + 2 oz. Shades EQ Processing Solution

  • Formula C:

    2 oz. 09T Chrome Shades EQ Gloss + 1 cap 01B Onyx Shades EQ Gloss + 2 oz. Shades EQ Processing Solution


Starting Point: Natural Level 5, Lightest Brown


Working from a deep left side part, create a triangle-shaped section and secure.


Then, create a horseshoe-shaped section, making a part that extends from the outside corner of the eyes around to the crown area.


1. Starting in the front of the ear, take a ¼-inch diagonal back slice and place on a foil. Apply Formula A to the midlengths and saturate through to the ends. Cover with a foil to secure.


2. Continue to drop down sections until this side is complete, then repeat on the opposite side.


3. Next, release the triangle-shaped section and starting at the front hairline, take a ¼-inch slice and place on a foil. Apply Formula A to the mids and saturate through to the ends. Cover with a foil to secure. Continue to drop down sections until the triangle section is complete.


4. Starting in front of the ear, apply Formula B to the hair that is not placed in the foils and process at room temperature until pale yellow or up to 50 minutes. Shampoo with Redken Chemistry Extreme for dry hair.


PRO TIP: To prevent staining, rinse between foils and before removing them.


5. Apply Formula C using a global application, making sure to fully saturate prelightened sections.


6. Process at room temperature for 20 minutes and rinse, do not shampoo. On towel-dried hair, apply pH-Bonder #2 Fiber Restorative Pre-wash Concentrate for 10 minutes. Rinse and follow with Color Extend Magnetics.