Formulas > Blonde > Julianne Hough’s Baby Blonde

Julianne Hough’s Baby Blonde

By Jill Buck

Julianne Hough Joico Defy Damage Baby Blonde Celebrity Color Nine Zero One Salon Riawna Capri Formulas
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  • Formula A (alternating highlights)

    Joico Blonde Life Lightening Powder + 10-volume LumiShine Developer

  • Formula B (alternating highlights)

    Blonde Life Lightening Powder + 20-volume LumiShine Developer

  • Formula C (alternating highlights)

    Blonde Life Lightening Powder + 30-volume LumiShine Developer

  • Formula D (gloss)

    Joico LumiShine Demi-Permanent Liquid 9NV + Clear + 5-volume LumiShine Developer

Instagram via @jillbuck901

We are living for Julianne Hough’s new baby blonde haircolor—and we promise you THIS is the summer color refresh your golden girls will be requesting! That’s why we’re dishing out the entire lifting and toning process from start to finish. Plus, the celebrity color formulas from Jill Buck (@jill901) at Nine Zero One Salon! Keep scrollin’ for the all the steps and products you need to lift her bright without brass or damage.


Wait, WHAT is going on?! Before the color service, Julianne and Jill experienced Joico’s new virtual reality video showcasing the new Defy Damage line with Nine Zero One Salon owner Riawna Capri (@riawna). The VR headsets are a fun and fresh way to learn about all things hair health in a millenial-approved consultation format.


Julianne Hough Joico Defy Damage Baby Blonde Celebrity Color Nine Zero One Salon Riawna Capri Formulas
Image via Joico

Who Did It

Artist: Jill Buck
Manufacturer: Joico, @joico

Products Used


  • Formula A (alternating highlights)

    Joico Blonde Life Lightening Powder + 10-volume LumiShine Developer

  • Formula B (alternating highlights)

    Blonde Life Lightening Powder + 20-volume LumiShine Developer

  • Formula C (alternating highlights)

    Blonde Life Lightening Powder + 30-volume LumiShine Developer

  • Formula D (gloss)

    Joico LumiShine Demi-Permanent Liquid 9NV + Clear + 5-volume LumiShine Developer


1. Before 

Julianne Hough Joico Defy Damage Baby Blonde Celebrity Color Nine Zero One Salon Riawna Capri Formulas
Instagram via @jillbuck901


2. Start by applying Joico Defy Damage Pro Series 1 throughout the hair. First, shake the can vigorously and then spray in short bursts starting at the nape and working forward, focusing the spray down the hair shaft. Comb through for even distribution.


Julianne Hough Joico Defy Damage Baby Blonde Celebrity Color Nine Zero One Salon Riawna Capri Formulas
Instagram via @jillbuck901


3. Using Formula A, start painting highlights around the hairline.


4. Continue throughout the back of the head. In Zone 1 (the scalp to mids), apply Formula B. In Zone 2 (the mids to just before the ends), apply Formula A. Leave the ends of the hair out.


5. Then, create highlights throughout the top and sides. Use Formula C in Zone 1 and Formula A, leaving out the ends again.


6. Process and lift to a Level 9 or 10, aka pale yellow.


7. Rinse and shampoo with Defy Damage Protective Shampoo to remove build-up without roughing the hair cuticle or stripping color.


8. Apply Formula D on towel-dried hair in Zone 1. Let it process for 5 minutes, then pull through the ends for an additional 5 minutes.


9. After rinsing, apply Defy Damage Pro-Series 2 bond strengthening treatment for an increased, more even lift that retains color vibrancy. Process for 5 minutes and rinse out.


Julianne Hough Joico Defy Damage Baby Blonde Celebrity Color Nine Zero One Salon Riawna Capri Formulas
Instagram via @jillbuck901


10. Apply Defy Damage Protective Shield on damp hair to prep for styling, blow-dry and style as desired.


Julianne Hough Joico Defy Damage Baby Blonde Celebrity Color Nine Zero One Salon Riawna Capri Formulas
Instagram via @jillbuck901


11. Finished Look  – Swipe Through The Befores & Afters!


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  • Formula A (alternating highlights)

    Joico Blonde Life Lightening Powder + 10-volume LumiShine Developer

  • Formula B (alternating highlights)

    Blonde Life Lightening Powder + 20-volume LumiShine Developer

  • Formula C (alternating highlights)

    Blonde Life Lightening Powder + 30-volume LumiShine Developer

  • Formula D (gloss)

    Joico LumiShine Demi-Permanent Liquid 9NV + Clear + 5-volume LumiShine Developer


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  • Formula A (alternating highlights)

    Joico Blonde Life Lightening Powder + 10-volume LumiShine Developer

  • Formula B (alternating highlights)

    Blonde Life Lightening Powder + 20-volume LumiShine Developer

  • Formula C (alternating highlights)

    Blonde Life Lightening Powder + 30-volume LumiShine Developer

  • Formula D (gloss)

    Joico LumiShine Demi-Permanent Liquid 9NV + Clear + 5-volume LumiShine Developer


open color formula
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  • Formula A (alternating highlights)

    Joico Blonde Life Lightening Powder + 10-volume LumiShine Developer

  • Formula B (alternating highlights)

    Blonde Life Lightening Powder + 20-volume LumiShine Developer

  • Formula C (alternating highlights)

    Blonde Life Lightening Powder + 30-volume LumiShine Developer

  • Formula D (gloss)

    Joico LumiShine Demi-Permanent Liquid 9NV + Clear + 5-volume LumiShine Developer