Formulas > Hair Color > Highlighter Green + Smoky Shadow Root

Highlighter Green + Smoky Shadow Root

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  • Formula A (pre-lightener)

    Pulp Riot Blonde AF + 30-volume developer + Olaplex No. 1

  • Formula B (Root)

    Pulp Riot Semi-Permanent Direct Dyes Mercury + Lilac + Clear

  • Formula C (Mids)

    Semi-Permanent Direct Dyes Clear + Mercury

  • Formula D (Ends)

    Semi-Permanent Direct Dyes Lemon + Firefly + Clear

You guys loved this vibrant, highlighter green haircolor when we posted it to our Instagram, and after it received more than 14k likes we knew we had to grab the deets from Virginia-based colorist Alec Cynova (@alec_cynova). Learn how to recreate this striking look by grabbing the color formulas and how-to steps below!


Who Did It

Colorist: Alec Cynova

Products Used


  • Formula A (pre-lightener)

    Pulp Riot Blonde AF + 30-volume developer + Olaplex No. 1

  • Formula B (Root)

    Pulp Riot Semi-Permanent Direct Dyes Mercury + Lilac + Clear

  • Formula C (Mids)

    Semi-Permanent Direct Dyes Clear + Mercury

  • Formula D (Ends)

    Semi-Permanent Direct Dyes Lemon + Firefly + Clear


1. Prelighten the hair or touch up the roots using Formula A.


2. Section the hair into quadrants.


3. Starting with the back left quadrant, apply ½ inch section of Formula B, ½ inch section of Formula C and Formula D to the rest.


Note: The root section should extend as you move up the hair.


4. Continue step 3 until you complete the entire head.


5. Let the color process and rinse.


6. Proceed to shampoo, condition and style the hair as desired.