Formulas > Hair Color > Chocolate Caramel Blend

Chocolate Caramel Blend

By Michaela O'Keefe

Rich Brunette Blended Color Using a Balayage Technique
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  • Formula A (base):

    L’Oréal Professionnel DIA Richesse 4N + 9-volume developer

  • Formula B (mids and ends):

    L’Oréal Professionnel DIA Richesse 4N + 5.07 + 9-volume developer

  • Formula C:

    Scruples POWER BLONDE Balayage Clay Lightener + 40-volume developer 

  • Formula D (gloss):

    Redken Shades EQ ¾ 6GN + ¼ 8WG + Shades EQ Processing Solution

OK, this rich brunette blend of chocolate and caramel is giving us major hair envy, and after it got more than 20,000 likes on our Insta, we HAD to know how Michaela O’Keefe (@hairbymichaelaokeefe), a stylist from San Diego, Calif., formulated it. We found out that after two color sessions and using specific color placement, creating a stunning shade of brown is totally possible. Check out the formulas and steps below! 


Who Did It

Colorist: Michaela O'Keefe

Products Used


  • Formula A (base):

    L’Oréal Professionnel DIA Richesse 4N + 9-volume developer

  • Formula B (mids and ends):

    L’Oréal Professionnel DIA Richesse 4N + 5.07 + 9-volume developer

  • Formula C:

    Scruples POWER BLONDE Balayage Clay Lightener + 40-volume developer 

  • Formula D (gloss):

    Redken Shades EQ ¾ 6GN + ¼ 8WG + Shades EQ Processing Solution


1. Beginning on vibrant red hair, apply Formula A at the roots.


2. Then, alternate applying Formulas A and B throughout the mids and ends.


3. Let process, rinse and style as desired.


4. To achieve the desired brunette hue, Michaela worked in two sessions. At the next session, balayage the hair with Formula C and let process.


5. Finish by glossing the entire head with Formula D. Process, rinse and then give the client a voluminous blowout.