Articles > Blonde > Precision Bleach & Tone: Platinum, Gold & Butter Hues

Precision Bleach & Tone: Platinum, Gold & Butter Hues

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Photo credit: Instagram via @josievilay

Rethink The Bleach & Tone: Techniques & Lifting Tips For Healthy, Bright Blondes

In a world of lived-in color trends, we’re here to remind you that your bleach and tone clients deserve up-to-date techniques. Breezing through the fundamentals is the quickest way to damage your client’s hair, or leave them wanting “something new” at a different salon. Strip this service down to the basics then, use these techniques to elevate the tried and true service.


A precise bleach and tone is a healthy bleach and tone; elevating the bleach basics is an important step in advancing your everyday services. Keep reading if you’re ready for an efficient upgrade. 


1. Use Color Additives To Simplify A Root Retouch 

Maintenance appointments like a six-week root retouch have the potential to make your clients feel completely refreshed. Simple tweaks like mixing a color additive into lightener per blonding expert Josie Vilay’s (@josievilay) recommendation, can speed up a retouch appointment while brightening any blonde.


Here’s how it’s done:

  • Josie mixes Schwarzkopf Professional® BLONDME® Bleach & Tone Ash Additive in Schwarzkopf Professional BLONDME® Precision Lightener to add an ash hue to the white lightening powder. This allows Josie to color correct while the lightener is lifting, setting herself up for a quick global tone once processing is done. 


  • Then to tone, Josie uses BLONDME® Ice Toner globally for a quick glaze of brightness. “BLONDME® Ice does the trick when I lift past a Level 9 and need a bright but neutralized look,” says Josie. 


Tap below for Josie’s full tutorial on IG:

Photo credit: Instagram via @josievilay


Click here to shop Salonory for the full range of BLONDME® Bleach & Tone Additives & lighteners:


2. How To Add A Natural-Looking Gold Without Pulling Yellow

We’re here to break your “Bleach and tone means platinum” mindset. If you have a bleach-and-tone client looking for a touch of warmth but don’t want to fill their cuticle with gold (because well, we know our blonde clients) Ashlee Norman (@ashleenormanhair) shares her Pamela Anderson-inspired blonde using a gold mask in place of demi-permanents.


After lightening with BLONDME® Precision Lightener for a safe on-scalp lift, Ashlee uses BLONDME® Blonde Wonders Golden Mask for the all-over glow her client requested without risking the, “I feel like this looks yellow,” end result. 


Photo credit: Instagram via @ashleenormanhair


3. Why Bright Blondes Don’t Always Require A High Lift 

If you haven’t sensed a theme here yet, we’re really into healthy (but bright) blonding. Schwarzkopf Professional Digital Artistic Team Member Brendnetta Ashley (@edgybgirl) says, “Not every client needs to be lifted to a pale yellow. Think about your end result, sometimes that underlying pigment is what will support the goal!”


If your client is going for a subtle lived-in root, lifting them to a pale yellow at the scalp will just create more work for you later. Pictured below, see how Brendnetta leaves her client’s root slightly deeper than the porous midshaft and ends lifted.


Pro Tip: Instead of a second lightener application, utilize this lift for a natural-looking root instead of needing a root tap once rinsed. 


Photo credit: Instagram via @edgybgirl


Have you tried Schwarzkopf Professional® BLONDME® Precision Lightener? Shop now at Salonory to upgrade your backbar✨


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