Articles > #THEBTCSHOW 2018 > Improve Guests’ Experience With These 6 Tips

Improve Guests’ Experience With These 6 Tips

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Improve Guests’ Experience With These 6 Tips

When the John Paul Mitchell Systems team took THE BTC SHOW stage in San Antonio, we knew we were in for a ton of technical education, and we got that—but you know when Robert Cromeans is on stage, you’re in for more than that. He is business man goals, and here’s his message: You can do the best fade or balayage beautifully, but if the guest doesn’t feel special, he or she might not come back. Keep scrolling for great advice on keeping guests happy in your chair!  


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Elevate The Guest’s Experience

An easy way to make guests feel special? Keep them looking pretty while processing! Heather pointed out how she folds colored foils into triangles or other shapes. “Once a guest asked me why she didn’t have colored foils,” Paul Mitchell Artistic Director Heather Kaanoi said. Or take a page out of Paul Mitchell International Platform Artist and Educator Mary Cuomo’s book and braid processing hair that isn’t in a foil. These little details matter!



Make Smart Retail Recommendations

Know your product line inside and out so you can not only make recommendations to guests, but also answer their questions. “You have to be smarter than the internet,” Robert said—don’t let a guest leave with a question that Google can answer, because then they’ll think they don’t need you. For example, Paul Mitchell International Platform Artist and Educator Jason Reyes (aka @iliketocuthair) said he loves MVRCK Dry Paste because it adds volume and enhaces texture with a drier, grittier finish that’s still pliable. He knows the deets on the product and can recommend it accordingly.



Discuss Price Immediately

“Ever have a client walk out with a bill so high you couldn’t look her in the eye?” Robert asked. Yep, it’s happened. Price should be an upfront discussion—the guest will appreciate your honesty, and then you know you can deliver on her expectations.



Click Here To See Every Photo From The Paul Mitchell Stage!


Focus On The Lineup

Don’t be intimidated by male clients—as Robert said, the shorter the hair, the more they visit. Until you master your men’s game, listen to Paul Mitchell International Platform Artist and Educator @fernthebarber: “Focus on the lineup and edgework,” he said. “If you can do a great lineup and just an OK haircut, the client will still love it. Guys look at it the way girls look at their eyebrows.”



Keep Static At Bay

Rubber gloves + hair = static electricity. Keep your gloves from tugging her hair and eliminate static by spraying the hair first with Neuro Protect. Yes, it’s a heat protectant spray, Paul Mitchell Artistic Director of Color Colin Caruso said, but it will also eliminate that static and make your job easier!



BONUS: Upstyling With Noogie!

Paul Mitchell International Platform Artist and Educator Noogie Thai did some outstanding onstage styling—scroll through the slideshow to see his work!



Watch BTC’s Exclusive Interview With Robert And The Paul Mitchell Team!


See what went down on Day 1, Day 2 & Day 3 at THE BTC SHOW 2018!


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