BTC Breaking News: 2017 #ONESHOT Hair Awards Winners
It’s been only three years since the start of the #ONESHOT Hair Awards—and in those three years, it’s grown into the largest hair awards program in the world. After more than 215,000 entries from 61 countries in 26 categories, this year’s #ONESHOT deserved our best and biggest party ever! Check out all the action and the winners below!
Tonight, the 652 finalist shots—and EVERY shot submitted, all 215,000—were celebrated at BTC’s third annual #ONESHOT Hair Awards at the JW Marriot in Austin, Texas where we’re hosting our Behind The Chair show. We gave 12 #BIGSHOT Awards to celeb stylists, session artists, platform artists and educators and 20 #HOTSHOT Awards to hairdressers doing real hair behind the chair.
We also laughed (when Matty Conrad, Mark Bustos and Kevin Luchmun “rode” onto the stage on hobby horses), cried (when @saramay_level10 told us the story behind her Transformation Shot of the Year model) and cheered our hearts out when @leysahairandmakeup’s acceptance speech included this: “I came to this country 12 years ago with a backpack, not knowing one word of English, and now I’m here.”
See all the #ONESHOT photos here!
Congrats to all the nominees, and without further ado…here are your 2017 #ONESHOT winners!
2017 #HOTSHOT Winners
Hair Paint of the Year
Mika Rogerson, @mikaatbhc

Ombré Shot of the Year
Pavel Sheff, @sheffpavelstylist

Vibrant Shot of the Year
Frances Garcia, @makeupbyfrances

Unconventional Color
Stephany Smith, @stephygnarstagram

Color Melt Shot of the Year
Presley Poe, @presleypoe

Pastel Shot of the Year
Melody & Michael Lowenstein, @rossmichaelssalon

Metallic Shot of the Year
Brooke Benton, @brookebent

Platinum Shot of the Year
Maggie Hancock, @maggiemh

Braids Shot of the Year
Alex Pelerossi, @hair_by_pelerossi

Upstyling Shot of the Year
Mirella Manelli, @mirellamanelli

Waves and Curls Shot of the Year
Leysa Carrillo, @leysahairandmakeup

Haircut Shot of the Year
David Anders Palmira, @cutyourhair

Men’s Shot of the Year
Sofie Pok, @staygold31

Fade Shot of the Year
Eddie Gallegos Jr., @monster_eddiejr

Hair Tattoo Shot of the Year
Paul Mac Special, @paulmacspecial

Student Shot of the Year
Donna Nguyen, @unique_donna

Extensions Shot of the Year
Sadie Curtin, @sadieface

Transformation Shot of the Year
Sara Pestella, @saramay_level10

“BTC Quickie” of the Year
Alfredo Lewis, @alfredo_lewis; Rickey Zito, @hairgod_zito; Philip Wolff, @philipwolffhair, Yadiel A. Rodriguez, @arod23pr

Collaboration Shot of the Year
Leysa Carrillo, @leysahairandmakeup; Chita Beseau, @chitabeseau; Jay Rua, @jayrua_glam

2017 #BIGSHOT Winners
Avant Garde Shot of the Year
North American Winner: Matt Swinney, @matt.swinney

International Winner: Julia Beckers, @julia_beckers

Editorial Shot of the Year
North American Winner: Deycke Heidorn, @deyckeheidorn

International Winner: Luke Benson, @lukebensonhair

Haircolor Shot of the Year
North American Winner: Vu Nguyen, @hairbyvu

International Winner: Christos Michailidis, @christosmichailidis

Creative Color Shot of the Year
North American Winner: Leah Freeman, @leahatfuse

International Winner: John Spanton, @johnspantonhair

Men’s Shot of the Year
North American Winner: Whitney Vermeer, @whitneyvermeer

International Winner: Terri Kay, @terri.a.kay

Haircut Shot of the Year
North American Winner: Jeremy Mcdougle, @mcdougle86

International Winner: Darren Ambrose, @djambrosehair