How-Tos > Hair Color > Soft Walnut Color From TIGI
Last updated: March 12, 2014

Soft Walnut Color From TIGI

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Soft Walnut Color From TIGI


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    Natural level – 5/0

    Formula 1: Walnut
    30g TIGI copyright©olour creative 7/3
    10g TIGI copyright©olour gloss 0/02
    TIGI copyright©olour activator 8.5vol/2.55%

    Formula 2: Pale almond
    15g TIGI copyright©olour lift 100/28
    10g TIGI copyright©olour creative 7/0
    TIGI copyright©olour activator 20vol/6%

    Formula 3: Wheat blonde
    20g TIGI copyright©olour lift 100/28
    TIGI copyright©olour activator 20vol/6%

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    1. Begin by taking a centre profile parting towards the nape.

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    2. Take an irregular half circle shaped section starting from the crown working towards the profile, finishing two inches back from the centre forehead.

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    3. Repeat the same on the opposite side; this creates two irregular sections through the top of the head.

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    4. Take a radial parting towards the ear, creating a section through the front hairline. Repeat the same on the opposite side.

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    5. Take a ½ inch horizontal slice at the nape and apply Formula 1 from the new growth through to the length and ends. Protect the skin using a TIGI copyright©olour Meche Strip.

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    6. Continue working in the same way until the section is complete.

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    7. Proceed to the top section. Take ½ inch horizontal slices, applying Formula 1 from the new growth area to the midlengths, and Formula 2 from midlengths to ends using a blending technique. Use TIGI copyright©olour meche strips to isolate the section.

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    8. Continue application through to the side sections by taking ½ inch horizontal slices. Apply Formula 1 to the new growth area and Formula 3 through the mid-lengths and ends using a blending technique. Continue working in the same way until section is complete. Use TIGI copyright©olour Meche Strips to isolate the sections.

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    9. Repeat the same on the opposite side. Process for 35 minutes, then emulsify, rinse and remove using Bed Head by TIGI Dumb Blonde or Colour Goddess Shampoo and Conditioner.