How-Tos > Hair Color > Rooty Denim Blue
Last updated: July 03, 2018

Rooty Denim Blue

close formula
  • Formula A:

    Schwarzkopf Professional BLONDME Bond Enforcing Premium Lightener 9+ + 20-volume developer

  • Formula B:

    Schwarzkopf Professional BLONDME Bond Enforcing Premium Lightener 9+ + 7-volume developer

  • Formula C:

    Wella Professionals Color Touch 25g 7/89 + 4g 2/0 + 2g 3/68 + 6-volume developer

  • Formula D:

    Wella Professionals Color Touch 20g 10/01 + 20g 9/16 + 10g 10/6 + 10g 10/81 + 2g 0/68 + 7-volume developer

  • Formula E:

    Equal parts Pulp Riot Powder + Mercury + 1/2 tube of Lilac + a dollop of Nightfall + a dollop of Velvet

The ’90s called and demin is back in style! Unleash the inner ’90s kid in your client with this rooty denim blue formula from Cara Sripattra(@caraisacat), a junior stylist at Jenn Shin Studios in RockvilleMd. Cara seamlessly melts a trendy shadow root into a smoky metallic hue, and we’ve got all the deets. Check it out in the steps below!


Colorist: Cara Sripattra


  • Formula A:

    Schwarzkopf Professional BLONDME Bond Enforcing Premium Lightener 9+ + 20-volume developer

  • Formula B:

    Schwarzkopf Professional BLONDME Bond Enforcing Premium Lightener 9+ + 7-volume developer

  • Formula C:

    Wella Professionals Color Touch 25g 7/89 + 4g 2/0 + 2g 3/68 + 6-volume developer

  • Formula D:

    Wella Professionals Color Touch 20g 10/01 + 20g 9/16 + 10g 10/6 + 10g 10/81 + 2g 0/68 + 7-volume developer

  • Formula E:

    Equal parts Pulp Riot Powder + Mercury + 1/2 tube of Lilac + a dollop of Nightfall + a dollop of Velvet

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