How-Tos > Hair Color > Red Highlights Refresher from Clairol Professional
Last updated: July 21, 2011

Red Highlights Refresher from Clairol Professional

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Red Highlights Refresher from Clairol Professional

This Clairol Professional color how-to is ideal for the client whose highlights have faded due to too much fun in the sun. The model featured here is a previously tinted level 3 with highlights. If you are interested in achieving more intense color results then apply heat during processing. Please note that heat is not recommended immediately following a relaxer service.

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    BW2 Powder Lightener + 10-volume Pure White Crème Developer to a thick consistency that does not drip.

     Step 1:
    Balayage around face and top of head using a wide-toothed comb and applicator brush to add interest and brighten faded highlights. Blend the edges with a brush to soften the lightened result. Lift 1 to 2 Levels. Next rinse, shampoo and dry hair.

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    2 Next, section hair in a marquise-parting over the top of head with points on either side. Apply Jazzing #30 Spiced Cognac to this section for a rosy, warm burst of color.
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    3 Apply Jazzing #78 Crème Soda to free hair for an overall subtle beige tonal enhancement. Comb through both sections to distribute Jazzing shades evenly.
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    4 Process for 30 minutes and then rinse, shampoo and condition.