How-Tos > Hair Color > Matrix Dream Dimension
Last updated: March 12, 2010

Matrix Dream Dimension

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Matrix Dream Dimension

Greys can be a woman’s worst enemy.  New Matrix SOCOLOR DREAM.AGE is a better way to banish those stubborn greys to leave hair shiny and help recapture your client’s youth and radiance.  In Dream Dimension, Matrix gives a real woman a dream makeover and takes her from frumpy to fabulous!

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    Formula A
    1 scoop Matrix V-light De-Dusted Lightener +
    1 oz. 10-Volume SOLITE Cream Developer

    Formula B
    1 1/2 oz. Matrix SOCOLOR DA-506M+
    1 1/2 oz. 20-Volume SOLITE Cream Developer

    Click here for more information about NEW Matrix SOCOLOR DREAM.AGE

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    4 Create a parting from front hairline to nape, and from ear to ear across the top of the head.  Create a semi-circular parting along the parietal, leaving section in front of the ear loose.
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    5 Create a ½ inch vertical subsection at center back. This will serve as the stationary guide for the section. Lift to 90 degrees and cut at 90 degree finger angle. Using vertical subsections, work to each side, over-directing to the stationary guide.
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    6 Continue working towards the top of the head, using the original nape section as the guide. Maintain the stationary guideline, elevation and cutting angle.
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    7 On each side, turn the head to the opposite direction and connect the back perimeter length to the side length.
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    8 Use the crown length as the guide for the top section. Over-direct to the stationary guide and cut on an angle as shown.
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    9 Dry hair and texturize by cutting approximately 2-4 inches into the ends of the hair with 6-7 inch shears.
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    10 Create a horseshoe parting along the parietal on clean dry hair and clip to secure.
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    11 Create a horizontal subsection 1 inch back from the front hairline. At the parting, create a ¼ inch weave and apply Formula A.
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    12 Working towards the crown, continue weaving in the same manner.
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    13 The final weave placement will be at the crown.
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    14 At the sides, begin 1 inch back from the hairline and create a diagonal slice. Apply Formula A. Place two foils per side in this manner and process to desired level.
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    15 Apply Formula B to the scalp areas. After scalp application is complete, apply to midlengths and ends. Process and remove.
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    16 Distribute Biolage Molding Souffle from scalp to ends on damp hair. Starting on the sides, use
    a 9-row brush and dry hair from underneath, directing strands upward for volume.
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    17 Switch to a medium round brush to dry the sides and bottom, creating soft bend and smooth
    volume below the parietal.
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    18 Switch to a large round brush to dry the top, creating soft volume in the crown area.
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    19 When complete, use a flat iron to refine the surface while retaining volume. Lightly mist with
    Biolage Shine Endure Spritz.